The Triforce is an iconic piece of gaming history. Made up of wisdom, courage, and power, this legendary magical object grants the desired wish of anybody who wields it, and it’s what a vast majority of games in the Zelda series are all about. However, for those unaware, this powerful relic can also make for a delicious treat.

Tyler from Off the Pie Charts is fully aware of this fact and has taken it upon himself to create some Triforce-shaped lemon bars. After playing some “Zelda’s Lullaby” on his flute, he begins to put together these delicious-looking triangles.

Using a combination of eggs, flour, butter, sugar, lemons, and powder sugar, Tyler’s able to achieve heroic deliciousness. He not only uses a triangle-shaped stencil to aid him in his quest but uses that same stencil to properly design the Triforce lemon bars using powdered sugar. The results would even make Ganondorf jealous.

What do you think of these Triforce lemon bars? Will you be attempting to make them yourself? Let us know in the comments below!

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