Today, a rumor surfaced about two potential Zelda games for the 3DS titled The Legend of Zelda: Fire Prophecy and Ice Prophecy. When people noticed that the image came from 4Chan, people automatically assumed it was fake, due to 4Chan’s reputation. On the other hand, people thought this was actually real or were not sure if it was fake because of how official the logos looked. After examining the image again, freelance game translator GlitterBerri who can read and write Japanese fluently, confirmed that the rumor was indeed fake. You can find out how the titles are fake after the jump.

The problems with the titles are…
-Using を instead of の, which renders it completely nonsensical
-Writing “fire” in kanji and “ice” in katakana makes the titles inconsistent. They should either write both in katakana or both in kanji.

For someone who doesn’t know a thing about Japanese writing, I was convinced that these were proper titles, but even then I had my doubts. I have to admit, this is some pretty good artwork, but it’s a shame someone had to go around saying it was official work from Nintendo.

Don’t forget to post your comments below. Do you think these could of been good titles? Got any other ideas for a Zelda 3DS title?

Thank you for helping us clarify the translation.

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