By now we’ve all had our say one way or another when it comes to the Majora’s Mask New Nintendo 3DS XL fiasco. Some of you might agree with my premise that limited editions are okay, but not giving us a heads up for preorders is wrong. Others still might see how what they did helps Nintendo while hurting us. Still others obviously feel they should just keep pumping them out until they stop selling. Whatever the case may be, I think we can all agree that as fans, we got a bit of a raw deal. In a play on this concept, Kotaku asked their fans to create their own Zelda themed New Nintendo 3DS XLs. Let me tell you, the results were shockingly awesome. In fact, some of these designs should be sent directly to Nintendo themselves!

Which one is your favorite? You can also submit your own designs in the comment section and we can feature them later this week!

Source: Kotaku

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