There’s no definitive answer to what the best Zelda game is, or what the best game is in general. It all comes down to one’s preferences and enjoyment, and that makes everyone’s top games different from person to person. Because of this, it’s always amusing to see what people list as their best games. So IGN took it upon themselves to list what they think are the top 10 best Zelda games of all time in this recently released video. Here’s a quick run-down of their list:

10. Oracle of Ages and Oracle of Seasons

9. The Minish Cap

8. Twilight Princess

7. A Link Between Worlds

6. The Legend of Zelda (NES)

5. Link’s Awakening

4. Majora’s Mask

3. The Wind Waker

2. Ocarina of Time

1. A Link to the Past

As for myself, and probably a lot of you out there, this list is very different from my top 10 Zelda games. The Wind Waker is clearly a number 1 for me, followed by Majora’s Mask and Skyward Sword. Did any of your favorite games make the list? Do you have a list of your top 10 Zelda games of all time? Let us know in the comments below!

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