
IGN got the opportunity to sit down with Legend of Zelda director Eiji Aonuma and ask him all about his experience in remaking Majora’s Mask. They discussed a wide variety of subjects, from the remake of the water temple and boss fights to what were actual teasers for Majora’s Mask 3D. Aonuma reveals all, telling how he approached trying to improve the swimming mechanics and make the game easier without making it easy. Hit the jump to find out more.

When asked about making boss fights easier, Aonuma offered: “We thought about making weak spots on bosses a little easier to see, but we definitely discovered that it’s something you have to be careful with, to avoid destroying the feeling of gameplay from the original.” Aonuma even describes how he often felt it was worth it just to make a new game instead of remake old boss fights, simply because of how hard it was.

Most interesting is his approach to the new swimming mechanic. When asked as to why he wanted to improve it, Aonuma replied: “I just came back to it and suddenly I had this fresh experience which made me think, wow, I really want to work on how swimming is implemented here. So we thought about it and came up with a solution and threw that into the game. The only thing that stands out to me is that I really should’ve come up with the solution earlier.” He even offers that some fans might like the old mechanics better, but he wanted to give it a smoother feel and make it easier for everyone.

You can read the entire interview here

What are your thoughts? Do you wish they would have left boss fights, swimming, and the water dungeon alone or do you like how they have improved them? What about all the ‘teasers’ from past games, like Majora’s mask in A Link Between Worlds? Did you guess that it was a clue to a remake of Majora’s Mask? Let us know in the comments below!

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