You have no doubt heard about the fancy new art book that has been promised to feature all of the official artwork ever from the Zelda series. Our friends in the west will have to wait until February 2017 to grab this delightful book, but in usual fashion, our friends in Japan have been blessed with having this book in their hands already.

Thankfully, the book is available for pre-order on Amazon, so you can ensure getting a copy when it becomes available. Although, if you are still skeptical about whether or not this book is worth buying, or you just cannot contain your excitement, we have something a little more satisfying to share with you than leaked screenshots. Courtesy of IGN, we can share with you a closer look into the book. While they were at the Tokyo Game Show this year, IGN they snagged a copy for themselves and are happily sharing their findings with all of us.

We get to see a variety of pages with all kinds of goodies. There are pages dedicated to every box art as well as the logo from every Zelda game, so you can see for yourself just how much the art has evolved over the years. There are full spread pictures of artwork from games like The Wind Waker, and my personal favorite so far is the black page filled with each colorful item from Link’s Awakening.

There are more screenshots from the book in the gallery below, but you can watch the video above for a different tour of some of the pages of the book, with some helpful commentary. I know for a fact I will be buying Art & Artifacts, but what about you? Let us know in the comments!

Source: IGN

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