Groose and Wind Waker Pirate Ship Theme Mashup
Posted on April 08 2015 by Legacy Staff
There are a lot of themes from the Legend of Zelda series that fans will mash together. One fan by the name of JeffIsTheCorn noticed that Groose’s theme and the Wind Waker pirate ship had a certain something going on and decided to do something about it.
As far as why Jeff decided to mashup these two themes, he had this to say:
“I noticed that Groose’s theme and the pirate ship theme were very similar, so I decide to combine them. I had to shift the pitches a bit, change the tempos, and edit them a bit, but in the end it was worth it”.
What other themes from the Legend of Zelda series do you think deserve to have a mashup? Let us know in the comments below!
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