CTR_JOKER_TS_UKV_v01.inddThe most recent brand new Zelda game was, in essence, a sequel to a timeless classic that many Zelda fans see as the best in the series. It was, after all, The Triforce of the Gods 2 in Japan. Though, it still feels like its own game. Of course, Majora’s Mask 3D came out recently, and that has been incredibly praised, not only on its own merit, but as a direct sequel to one of the most critically acclaimed games of all time. It seems that direct sequels can prove to be a great thing in the series, but should more be made? What existing games deserve to have their stories continued? Join the discussion after the jump!

zph_wp1_1280x1024Direct sequels are quite uncommon in the series. Only Phantom Hourglass and Majora’s Mask technically fit the role. All the others are either brand new, spiritual successors or take place several generations after the games that come before. Personally, I feel that direct sequels bring about some things indirect ones, and non-sequels, can’t. Seeing a time-weathered hero that you once controlled in a previous game acts as a pleasant throwback, and lets you recall the character’s personal connections to the world around them. That, or we can see this beloved character interact with something brand new, like in Majora’s Mask, and along the way, we can try to predict how they may react to certain events throughout the game.

Zelda-wii-u-link-720On the other hand, sequels can be somewhat lacking in certain ways. Obviously, there will be fans that want something brand new. In the days after Skyward Sword‘s release, there was a lot of talk of Majora’s Mask 3D, and The Wind Waker HD released, and while those are great, many people, like myself, were more interested in getting something brand new, meaning not a remake, and not a direct sequel. Lo and behold, A Link Between Worlds happened. Yes, it is sort of a sequel to the SNES classic, for obvious reasons, but it had a brand new story, a huge change to Hyrule’s alternate world, and things felt very fresh overall.

This presents us with the pressing question. Is it worth Nintendo’s time to make a direct sequel to an old Zelda game, or should they be working towards something brand new, like with Zelda Wii U currently? Leave a comment below!

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