
As mentioned in yesterday’s post about the new Skyward Sword footage from Game Informer, we knew that the magazine would be releasing their ten-minute long Skyward Sword preview video today. However, the video has no new footage from the game. It’s a video of the two guys, who played Skyward Sword for six hours for the feature, discussing their experience.

While it’s not new footage, these guys have spent six hours longer with Skyward Sword than any of us, so it’s worth the listen.

For the most part, we’ve heard about or deduced much of the information that they discuss in the video. However, for two guys who played six hours of Skyward Sword, it’s notable how much they’re still speculating. We know that the final game will include 50 to 100 hours of gameplay, so six hours is only a dent. Based on the their conversation, you’ll hardly have spent any time in the world below the clouds at the end of six hours. In that time the world will already feel incredibly dense and still full of possibilities.

So the game starts off in Skyloft, has an inciting incident that leads Link to the Sky Temple where he meets Ghirahim, and then moves on to the Eldin Region with our first trip into the Fire Temple. Somewhere near the end of this we’ll get our first foray into the Silent Realm. And that’s just the first six hours.

Listening to these guys talk about Skyward Sword is making that countdown we have above feel more menacing than usual. Six hours in, they’ve clearly enjoyed their playing experience and can’t wait to get back to playing. It’s also wonderful listening to them talk about all the game’s little details, which are a testament to how long the game was in production and how much the time the developer’s had when making design decisions.

Readers, what did you think of the preview?

Source: Game Informer

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