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Zelda Wii U Tech Demo – Another Look (CES 2012)


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
I looked around and didn't see a thread like this. Also, this isn't a "game" so to speak, so I put it in WoZ rather than Zelda Gaems. Mods if you disagree, do as you please.


So what do you think of Zelda Wii U, as far as tech demo goes? I love it so far, and the Link featured is just so hawt. I hope Nintendo keeps this art style; a TWW art style in 1080p just wouldn't fit after giving us this beauty.


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
I saw this a couple days ago, but I didn't post it here. Why, I don't know.

Anyway, I was more interested in that "car ride" thing from the full video of this -- this is a portion of a longer video -- because it showed off just how awesome the gyroscope of the Wii U tablet is, and it was something that we hadn't already seen at E3 2011. I've seen this tech demo countless times. Of course, I've seen it countless times because I love it, but...ah, who cares, I'll just get right into my thoughts on it.

I really like this tech demo. It shows the amazing power of the Wii U's HD. The different lighting effects shown off are the best I've seen in any kind of CG scene, the different camera angles are a neat little touch, and the crisp quality of the 1080p is tremendous. I've been dying to see what kind of graphical style Nintendo will use for Zelda Wii U ever since I first saw this at E3 2011, but I'm more excited too see it now that I've played SS and the agonizing wait for the next Zelda game has begun.

As much as I love the particular graphics in this demo, though, I actually kinda don't want Nintendo to use it for Zelda Wii U. It's TP's style put to HD, and re-using a graphical style of a Zelda game when the styles of the game aren't the same doesn't work out right. Sure, MM used the same style as OoT, but pretty much everything on the N64 looked the same due to styles being highly limited at that point and time. (Same with the hardware of the DS.) Today, all Zelda games can look different, and they need to look different so that they can each be as unique as possible. Having a repeat TP style would feel quite awkward. I'd rather have a blend of OoT/MM -- more specifically, OoT 3D -- and TP graphics with Zelda Wii U. It'd have detailed textures so that it could have some realism to it, but it would also capture a sense of fantasy due to it having the vibrant colors of the N64 games. What it will be, though, I'll just wait and see. And enjoy.
Feb 5, 2011
I'm mixed about the look of Link. On the one hand, Twilight Princess/Skyward Sword contains the best looking Link in my opinion, Ocarina of Time with more detail. So them reusing the model but make it more detailed isn't a bad thing. Then again, I'd want them to give Link... not so much a complete overhaul but some physical differences, like a different kind of pair of gloves or something.

BUT I still think one thing from Skyward Sword must be present. Bright colors.

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