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Zelda Things in Other Games

Dec 22, 2011
the Land of Ooo
when i was playing dragon quest XI , there was a sort of link hat for a mage and a few weapons which looked like weapons of link.
there are much more games with zelda/relative stuff, so if you notice something in other games, please post it here
Jan 1, 2012
In a certain shop in Kingdom Hearts 2, you can see a triforce hanging up. It might be conindence though.

In Animal Crossing, you can get certain LInk items like Hat, Master Sword,Majoras Mask and what not.


Nyanko Sensei
Oct 18, 2007
The Netherlands
A Zelda easter egg in Catslevania - Lords of Shadow


Also, look at this page: http://www.zeldawiki.org/Cameos_of_The_Legend_of_Zelda
Jan 6, 2012
In Drawn to Life: the next chapter for ds the sharacters have to move on to an island shaped like a turtle
And one of the character calls it "Turtle Rock" like from a link to the past :lol:
May 21, 2012
In Super Mario RPG you can find Link sleeping at Rose Town Inn and in Kirby games when you swallow the sword ability Kirby has a cap and a sword like Link's cap and sword.

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