After a bit of a hiatus the writing competion has returned! I'm going to add a bit of a foreword, if you prefer to skip and go straight to seeing the theme, scroll down and look for the large bolded text, as always. I'd prefer if those interested in this competition take the time to read this, though.
First, I apologize for not getting themes up at all earlier in the year. Truth be told, towards the end of last year I watched as participation in the competition increasingly dwindled. I started to lose steam as host, and did a lot of introspection on the future of this competition over the last 6 months.
I've mulled over different things, like changing the format with alternating between poetry and short stories each month rather than poetry months being rare. I've thought about bringing back multiple thematic elements that each entry has to incorperate somehow, i.e. include a scene with a blue car in your story, add a sunset into the story. Things along those lines. Originally when I took over the competition I opted against continuing that because I wondered if it was making the competition less approachable. I think my intuition on avoiding it is right considering in the past I've given themes that are very broad in scope but I've still had members respond "this is too limited". Regardless, I'd rather open dialog to see what you all want this competition to provide, because ultimately it's for your fun and entertainment.
If you have any ideas you're dying to pitch, I'm interested to hear it!
With that out of the way let's get to this months theme! Lately I've been obsessed with cityscapes. I've been hunting down images of them on pintrest to use as references for little art studies I've been doing. So the theme is:
Create a short story set within a city. It could be a real city, or a fictional one!
Submit all entries to me via DM by August 24th, 2023 at 11:59 PM EST (GMT -4)
As always, message me if there are any questions. Always keep in mind if you are feeling writing block, send me a message and we can throw ideas at a wall to get a concept going. Happy writing ZD!
First, I apologize for not getting themes up at all earlier in the year. Truth be told, towards the end of last year I watched as participation in the competition increasingly dwindled. I started to lose steam as host, and did a lot of introspection on the future of this competition over the last 6 months.
I've mulled over different things, like changing the format with alternating between poetry and short stories each month rather than poetry months being rare. I've thought about bringing back multiple thematic elements that each entry has to incorperate somehow, i.e. include a scene with a blue car in your story, add a sunset into the story. Things along those lines. Originally when I took over the competition I opted against continuing that because I wondered if it was making the competition less approachable. I think my intuition on avoiding it is right considering in the past I've given themes that are very broad in scope but I've still had members respond "this is too limited". Regardless, I'd rather open dialog to see what you all want this competition to provide, because ultimately it's for your fun and entertainment.
If you have any ideas you're dying to pitch, I'm interested to hear it!
With that out of the way let's get to this months theme! Lately I've been obsessed with cityscapes. I've been hunting down images of them on pintrest to use as references for little art studies I've been doing. So the theme is:
Create a short story set within a city. It could be a real city, or a fictional one!
Submit all entries to me via DM by August 24th, 2023 at 11:59 PM EST (GMT -4)
As always, message me if there are any questions. Always keep in mind if you are feeling writing block, send me a message and we can throw ideas at a wall to get a concept going. Happy writing ZD!
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