Your banned for not knowing what's wrong with my sentence.
W Wolf Sage Joined Feb 23, 2011 Aug 14, 2011 #1,081 Your banned for not knowing what's wrong with my sentence.
Big Octo =^) Joined Jul 2, 2011 Location The Aug 14, 2011 #1,082 You're banned for using your instead of you're! (I noticed it.)
jstar Joined Jun 21, 2011 Location Going 2 Hyrule Castle Aug 14, 2011 #1,083 You're banned for noticing something that I didnt! (what's wrong in this sentence???)
W Wolf Sage Joined Feb 23, 2011 Aug 14, 2011 #1,084 You're banned for thinking I wouldn't notice an error as obvious as the missing apostrophe in the contraction of the words, did not (didn't) in the above sentence. :yes:
You're banned for thinking I wouldn't notice an error as obvious as the missing apostrophe in the contraction of the words, did not (didn't) in the above sentence. :yes:
jstar Joined Jun 21, 2011 Location Going 2 Hyrule Castle Aug 14, 2011 #1,085 Wow!!! Wolf Sage, i totally underestimated you!
Cel-Shaded Deku Ha ha, charade you are! Joined Jul 24, 2010 Location Rapin' your churches, burnin' your women! Aug 14, 2011 #1,086 You're banned for not banning Wolf Sage and for not capitalizing the letter I.
Thatlinkisaspy! (not really) Joined May 20, 2011 Location West Mifflin, Pennsylvania Aug 15, 2011 #1,087 Your banned for being awesome at forum games.
Ice Sage these are words Joined Jul 25, 2011 Location Ice Temple Aug 15, 2011 #1,088 You are banned for accusing Link of being a spy.
Cel-Shaded Deku Ha ha, charade you are! Joined Jul 24, 2010 Location Rapin' your churches, burnin' your women! Aug 15, 2011 #1,089 You're banned for not being strong enough to open a pickle jar.
Myriadviper42 Fulcrum Agent Joined Feb 14, 2010 Location Control Aug 15, 2011 #1,090 You're banned for banning someone for a stupid reason.
PK Love Omega PK Flash's Good Twin Joined Jul 28, 2011 Location In a forest Aug 15, 2011 #1,091 Your banned because you haven't seen the mayor.... hint hint on pun pun rum rum
Myriadviper42 Fulcrum Agent Joined Feb 14, 2010 Location Control Aug 15, 2011 #1,092 You're banned because I don't get it.
PK Love Omega PK Flash's Good Twin Joined Jul 28, 2011 Location In a forest Aug 15, 2011 #1,093 Your banned for not watching the PPG
M ~Mizuki~ ALWAYS LEAVE BOX 5 OPEN Joined May 9, 2010 Location ...Asgard Gender androgynous Aug 15, 2011 #1,094 Your Banned for something I don't know
Cel-Shaded Deku Ha ha, charade you are! Joined Jul 24, 2010 Location Rapin' your churches, burnin' your women! Aug 15, 2011 #1,095 You're banned because I'm bored and I want to ban someone and you happen to be the last person to post in this thread so I choose to ban you.
You're banned because I'm bored and I want to ban someone and you happen to be the last person to post in this thread so I choose to ban you.