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Your Most Hated Boss/Secret Boss In A Game

Jan 20, 2013
Like the title says what is your most hated Boss/Secret Boss, it can be any game on any format.

Mine has to be Sephiroth on Kingdom Hearts, his health bar was immense and he could cut you down in 2-3 attacks making the fight a dodge fest at the best of time. Add that he could teleport and attack when the camera was re-adjusting and i came close to snapping my controller many many times>.<


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
I hear you on KH1's Sephiroth. After learning this Ars Arcanum trick, though, i made short work of him time and time again until I started beating KH2's Sephiroth. Reverting from KH2 to KH1 didn't do me any favors at all. D:

One of my most hated bosses in a game would be Yaridovich and the Axem Rangers in Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars. Both bosses tore my entire team apart, even when my Bowser was OP as all hell.


DGN's Metaphysicist
Oct 9, 2009
Ponyville, Equestria ('murica irl)
Kurt Zisa - Kingdom Hearts

I know there are many harder (!) bosses in the KH series, but Kurt Zisa... I've fought this guy so many times it's ridiculous. I always seem to get within a few hits from killing him, then he does the unavoidable spinney thing, and I'm dead. I STILL haven't beaten the damn thing...

Igos du Ikana

Oct 13, 2012
Zant from Twilight Princess. It seems impossible to ruin someone who was as awesome as Zant, but Nintendo managed to do so with that final battle. Zant was something original and could've been one of the strong points of the game, but he just fell flat at the ending because of his demeanor; he was a baby basically.


May 9, 2010
Demyx- Kingdom Hearts 2

I had to get my bro to defeat him...I died at him so many times
Jul 24, 2011
Pennsylvania, USA
I have two.

1. Ozma in Final Fantasy IX. His random patterns and super strong attacks got annoying really fast.

2. The Imprisoned in Skyward Sword. It's really dumb how it's feet send out a shockwave to prevent you from slashing it's toes. Those boss fights were the worst part of Skyward Sword.


default setting: sarcastic prick
Dec 17, 2012
The Grim Reaper in the original Castlevania. Still waiting for a more frustrating encounter.


Why did the humans attack
Apr 5, 2012
Well, I must be somewhere!
Haha wow! I'd have to say...Koloktos from Skyward Sword (the "water temple" boss). Ugh, that slam he does with his arms is just ANNOYING! Then you have to run over there, get your whip out, and hurry up before he gets up. Samuri swords were even harder, being so heavy.

Then the 3rd Ghirahim battle in Skyward Sword too...that was hard DX and what's terrible is (LITTLE SPOILER ALERT) when you are playing Hero Mode and you go to the Thunder Dragon to replay your boss battles, he can give you this battle! When your going for the Hylian Shield, it seems he always gives you this battle if you don't choose it yourself.


Luigi Fan
Apr 20, 2010
Hyrule Castle
Trinexx from A Link to the Past. I really despise the boss when so many potions and strageties for you to think and use for this boss. Hate this guy. I have died so many times with him.


Oct 24, 2012
Crisis? What Crisis?
Pan-decepticon-transdeliberate-selfidentifying-sodiumbased-extraexistential-temporal anomaly
The transvestite bride god dude... uh... thing, from Final Fantasy XIII
Gotta fight that sunofa*** three times throughout the course of the game. Between the infinite health and one hit kills.... GAAARGH!!!!

Oh, and while I bring it up, Ciaus end boss Final Fantasy XIII-2
anybody seeing a pattern? to this day i'm still not sure how this boss works? there are three dragon guys and you only fight one or two of em at a time. infinite health, regenerating health!!, AND THE SERIES STANDARD ONE HIT KILLS!!!
Jan 20, 2013
The transvestite bride god dude... uh... thing, from Final Fantasy XIII
Gotta fight that sunofa*** three times throughout the course of the game. Between the infinite health and one hit kills.... GAAARGH!!!!

Oh, and while I bring it up, Ciaus end boss Final Fantasy XIII-2
anybody seeing a pattern? to this day i'm still not sure how this boss works? there are three dragon guys and you only fight one or two of em at a time. infinite health, regenerating health!!, AND THE SERIES STANDARD ONE HIT KILLS!!!

I hated all the bosses on FFXIII they where either to hard to easy or just plain cheap when you fought them added to the linear play it got old fast:( As for XIII-2 ive seen the Ciaus fight and it looked hard, watched my cousin fight it for an hour but his health never went below 75% so he gave up never touched it again:P


Jan 14, 2013
Ente Isla
Grodus from Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door. I just finish a really tough battle with Bowser AND Kammy Koopa, then this jerk busts in and doesn't even give me a chance to heal up before going into an even HARDER battle. I didn't get past him for several years, and that was because I had started a new file!


Keep it strong
Mar 17, 2012
Liverpool, England
Imprisoned from Skyward Sword, made worse because you have to fight him 3 times.

2. The Imprisoned in Skyward Sword. It's really dumb how it's feet send out a shockwave to prevent you from slashing it's toes. Those boss fights were the worst part of Skyward Sword.

The Imprisoned was the only thing in a Zelda game to ever make me rage. It's a blemish on an otherwise excellent game and I will not hesitate to call it the worst boss in the entire series. As far as gaming in general goes, The Imprisoned is the only boss I can think of that I hate. Sure, there are plenty I don't like, but only one that I hate.

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