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Breath of the Wild Your goals in BotW before TotK drops?


Slickest pompadour in town
Aug 16, 2019
Do you have any "I have to do this before TotK drops" stuff? Like collecting all the koroks or finishing shrines?

For me, I'm currently stuck at Yiga clan mission. I aim to complete the game and get the master sword dlc and complete it too
I'm not really sure if I have goals for BotW anymore. I might revisit it briefly before TotK releases but it'd probably just be simple meandering around Hyrule for old time's sake. I already have an ongoing issue of replaying games instead of focusing on new ones and since TotK will probably occupy a lot of my gamer attention after it releases, I should probably try to focus on knocking out other games before then instead of wasting my time on replaying BotW again.


Let's all just pretend I no longer exist
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I might not play replay botw before totk, but I do play on going back to it. I mostly want to watch all the cutscenes and such again to refresh my memory on the story (what little there is). I'm also considering just running around Hyrule for a bit so when I play totk I can notice all the changes to the landscape.
Jan 11, 2021
I'm doing my no shrine playthrough and want to upgrade all armor sets, but it's hard cuz I can't teleport. Might take until May.

Bowsette Plus-Ultra

ZD Legend
Mar 23, 2013
For me it's probably to play the Second Wind mod. I've only ever played the game on Switch hardware, so it'd be nice to see it running at a proper high frame rate and resolution.


Staff member
Nov 17, 2011
The Makai
Will absolutely not revisit BotW before TotK. Might have to rename it Tears of Mamono if it’s not too dissimilar to BotW.

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
My only plan is to finish the playthrough I started last year. I will max out my inventory, I'm not sure on if I want to try to get all the korok seeds, we'll see how I feel once I get back to the playthrough. I will get the compendium filled, and I want to get all armor/clothing sets in the game. I'll also get all of the memories, and complete the shrines and divine beasts I have left. I will do The Champion's Ballad, idk if I'll do the Trial of the Sword because I know if I maintain my no death streak, I will probably lose the streak in the Trial of the Sword. I might just go for it regardless.

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