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Your anger

How would you rate your anger?

  • Even the Devil himself would be jealous

    Votes: 5 20.0%
  • I can lose my temper quite often

    Votes: 9 36.0%
  • Once in while

    Votes: 9 36.0%
  • What is anger? The latest Papa John Pizza?

    Votes: 2 8.0%

  • Total voters


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
So I was doing some stuff and things didn't go well so I ended up in jail being locked away for 45 years because of burning the whole place down. During this time in jail I started to think. What if I didn't let my anger get the best or worst of me?
Then I woke up from a nasty dream and realized I was still at home. What dreams can do to you, right?
Nah on a serious note though... HOW ANGRY CAN YOU GET? You know we all can get angry at things like when we're treated bad or when things don't go as planned or when we can't beat a game or stage or whatever.
I can get into a rage. My pain level is very high but my anger level is very low. I can completely flip at the tiniest things.
My sister knows to leave the room when she is with me because she knows things can get real bad. So tell me about your anger and how worse it can get. And do you easily get angry or does it take a lot to make you angry?


Sep 19, 2011
V2 White Male
Yeah it's not uncommon for me to get a little angry. I'm very good at keeping quiet when someone else has angered me as our anger obviously effects logistical decision making.
I usually unleash my anger onto the David Cameron punching bag.
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I cant remember the last time I was screaming/break something angry.

I try not to get angry, I dont have the time for it, and if I can control myself then I will.

If anything my anger recently only hits annoyance or irritation on the 'grrr' scale.

I've had a bad last 4 years with relationships and living arrangements as well as some health woes.

Theres too much going around that could make me rage but its best for me if inlet the things that truly dont matter, no matter how annoying they are, just slide by me.


Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
Last time i got truly angry i hit someone with a table................ That was a few years ago, granted when i was pissed at someone i whacked them in the face with a steel pipe... again years ago and during a time when i was highly stressed and having bits of hot metal thrown at me.

Apparantly i am a weaponist in the anger department i get annoyed i go for the nearest weapon...... YAY

But in all seriousness i find that these days it's tougher to make me really angry but when i reach that point it takes some severe effort to cool off again as in kick three hells outta someone. I've spent i'd say 10/15 years working on my anger issues as i know it can land in some severe trouble especially with the tendency to pick up the nearest tool be it a blunt instrument or a sharp tool.
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Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
Last time i got truly angry i hit someone with a table................ That was a few years ago, granted when i was pissed at someone i whacked them in the face with a steel pipe... again years ago and during a time when i was highly stressed and having bits of hot metal thrown at me.

Apparantly i am a weaponist in the anger department i get annoyed i go for the nearest weapon...... YAY

But in all seriousness i find that these days it's tougher to make me really angry but when i reach that point it takes some severe effort to cool off again as in kick three hells outta someone. I've spent i'd say 10/15 years working on my anger issues as i know it can land in some severe trouble especially with the tendency to pick up the nearest tool be it a blunt instrument or a sharp tool.
Oh I know the feeling. When I was a kid, I slammed a whole in my bedroom door with a hammer. And two years ago I slammed one of my doors so hard it broke. I still haven't got it fixed yet. And that's just a part of all the anger problems. I scare myself sometimes but I could really do harm to people if I get angry.
May 4, 2014
I've got a hot temper and I'm short on patience. I'm not quite as bad as I used to be but I can still throw a verbal tantrum that puts Yosemite Sam's to shame.

I'm not violent, just loud and mouthy and hafta have the last word kinda angry.
Aug 12, 2015
I'm actually pretty chill, and rarely get really mad. If you do manage to piss me off, though, get ready for a ****storm. I'm not physically violent, but I have a sharper tongue than most people expect me to.


Rock and roll will never die
Jun 15, 2012
London, United Kingdom
I lose my temper often in the sense of like, getting a normal amount pissed off and having a cross word with someone or whatever. But the real anger is much harder to trigger in me. When I was little, I had a rough time and thus for a while as a child, I had to have therapy including anger management. Now I don't really know if it worked or not, but I don't get 'real' angry very often. But when I do... watch out. It's ugly. I did lose my temper last summer with my sister and the red curtain came down, big time. I didn't even know I'd gotten out of my seat but I was across the room and we were fighting. I'm not proud of myself because I'm not, generally, a violent person. That was the first time in as long as I can remember that I did anything violent. I can get verbally heated or a little aggressive but I am more likely to throw whatever object is near me at a wall if at all than I am to hurt another person. I threw my phone one time and instantly regretted it because the screen smashed and I just ended up mad at myself lol.

But no, most of the time I just have a bit of a mouth on me. I'm all bark and no bite. That being said, I am not afraid of anybody, especially if my temper has been triggered. I've been in situations where people have gone to hit me, and I have dealt with that in different ways. One time I just threw my drink over them as they advanced towards me and it surprised them and stopped them. I will hold your hands and refuse to let you touch me. I don't deal with other people's anger well at all unless I'm angry myself, it's the only strength I have lo. I'm physically weak anyway and I'm not loud.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
I used to be physically violent when I got angry. The people deserved it of course, for instance someone threw their bag at me during class so I threw back a table and if someone sat in my chair they would be tipped out of it.

I don't often encounter situations where people make me angry these days, it's usually people with ******** opinions online that do it and they are safe beyond my reach. In real life putting them in their place relieves the anger for me. Apart from that it is usually technology that angers me when it does not work as it should and if that happens a good throw of the item usually occurs.

Deleted member 14134

People who know me well can tell when I'm mad as I get very quiet. It's hard to get me to actually snap, I was an angry teenager but now I've chilled out quite a bit. Its better to laugh about something rather than hold a grudge.

Deleted member 81859

I already swear a lot as it is, but when I get mad even I am offended by what comes out of my mouth. Swearing is very therapeutic for me. I used to have a lot of anxiety problems and have teary breakdowns. Now I sound like a sailor for a couple of minutes, calm down, and try to find a way to fix whatever situation I'm in.
Nov 17, 2014
I mostly don't get violent when I'm angry. The most I've done was scratch my brother when I was 10. Most of the time if I'm annoyed at someone I tell 'em to shut up. Though if I feel like I might get violent, I'll shut myself in my room and read the Bible till I've calmed down.

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