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MM-3DS yo i need advice

May 12, 2020
hi yes hello, i need advice

so I want to play mm (3d), but i'm kinda procrastinating on it because the time limit really daunts me. I'm a new Zelda player (I literally just beat OoT yesterday, so I'm still a newbie), and as far as I've heard, Majora's Mask's a big whopper of a game. However, I like dark games, so I still wanna try it out.

Do you still keep masks even when you reset time? I know you don't keep Rupees and bombs, but I don't know if that still applies to the masks. Because if not, then could I just basically collect all the masks I can the first few cycles, then I go and clear the temples and beat up Majora at the last cycle? Is that a good game plan? Also, how does saving the game work? Like say I was to stop playing on the second day, I shut down my 3DS, will the game still progress or will it pause until I open the game back up?

sorry if this game out muddled;


The Destructive One
Staff member
Apr 4, 2012
Göteborg, Sweden
Yes, you keep all masks after reset. The only things you lose is rupees, amount of bombs, arrows and other stuff that you have multiple of.
You can save the game by talking to the Owl Statues, they'll pause the game at the exact time you spoke to them, and yes, if you just shut your 3DS to pause it (putting in it sleep mode) the time will also stop. Just pausing in the game makes time stop too. Time is only running while you're actively playing (also paused while talking to people, or while cutscenes are playing). It doesn't run on real time.

Since you've got unlimited cycles (as long as you keep resetting), you can play at your own pace, as long as you've made the tiniest amount of progress. When you reset time, all events and things you did in the world will also get reset, but anything you got from doing them you'll keep. For example: In the first area, the Southern Swamp, you'll need to learn a specific song for your ocarina to be able to enter the dungeon. However, if you get there and do all the quests to get the song, you can then reset if you feel like you don't have enough time left in that cycle to beat the dungeon. But you'll keep the song, so the next cycle you don't need to do all those other things, you can just go straight to the dungeon and unlock it with the song.

Because if not, then could I just basically collect all the masks I can the first few cycles, then I go and clear the temples and beat up Majora at the last cycle? Is that a good game plan?

You can't get all the mask initially, since you'll need items you get from the dungeons and the main quest to access certain areas and events where some of the masks are located. You'll have to do a little bit of both; first some main quest, then some sidequest stuff, and back and fourth. For example: There is a Ranch in the game with a lot of sidequest and mask stuff, but it's locked behind a huge boulder that you won't be able to get rid of until you've gotten a special item that you can only get after beating the second dungeon.

A little tip if you feel like the time thing is daunting is to use the Inverted Song of Time (once you get the Song of Time). Just play it backwards, and it'll slow down the flow of time so you'll have twice as much time.

Majora's Mask is my favorite game, so I'll strongly recommend it! Feel free to ask any more questions ^^


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Legend
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
any key items and songs you get, you get to keep, other things like rupees, item ammo, and bottle contents you are gonna lose by restarting, there is a bank system however so you're not completely out on rupees

try to play the game a little more so you can understand how it works, b/c yeah it all seems pretty daunting initially, but it really won't take long for you to get the hang of it, talk to the townsfolk and you might pick up on a few things


Braava Braava
Feb 18, 2010
Soul Sanctum
Game not to bad, you'll initially struggle with the confines of the time system til you get the song of reverse time (just play song of time backwards) and the song of double time, you won't be able to snag all masks right away but you can get 9 of them before the first temple items are kept but ammo and money are not, likewise bottles will be kept and theres 7 of em i believe but the contents will empty. Money wise theres a bank in central Clocktown that'll let you save cash he'll even give rewards the move you save, no matter what make sure to drop money off with him, even if it's 20 rupees or something smaller, it ALL adds up over time.


Jun 22, 2011
United States
One thing to add about being able to find a stopping point to reset time is that dungeon progression in Majora's Mask is unique in that it's entirely tied to items, and most of the dungeons are much easier with the dungeon item and/or items from later in the game. You can leave dungeons once you have the item, and returning should be much easier with the item. The first dungeon can be beaten very quickly if you reenter with the dungeon item. The second dungeon is designed in a way that you are sort of intended to go through it again once you get the dungeon item, and it's even easier with an item that you get between it and the third dungeon. The third and fourth dungeons don't get easier, but you don't need to redo a significant part of the dungeon if you need stop midway through with the dungeon item and reset.

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