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Zelda Art Writing Community Competition Week 8


~Dancer in the Dark~
Jan 30, 2010
Writing Community Competition Week 8
Ocarina of Time

Unfortunately, I only recieved one entry this week. If you like writing, why not submit an entry? We need to keep this competition going! I know lots of you out there are keen writers.

So, this week's entry is by Go_Dark_Link. Thanks for your entry! I hope you guys enjoy it!
As she escaped from the castle on that majestic white horse, the object Zelda had thrown landed in the moat near me. Before I could run over and see what it was, I was intercepted by a man on a spine-chilling black horse. He questioned me about the princess and when I tried frighten him with my sword, he shot a bolt of electricity at me, knocking me down. After he had ridden away, I stood up and dived into the moat, hoping to retrieve the item that had been thrown there. It was a gorgeous, indigo colored ocarina. It glowed with a mystical light that slowly engulfed me, making me loose consciousness. I dreamt the most vivid dream I had ever dreamed. I was in a confusing world where everything was white, as if surrounded by clouds. Princess Zelda was there, and she was holding the ocarina. She motioned me towards her. She played a song that could reach into your soul. Then she handed me the ocarina.
“Play the song,” she said.
“Why?” I asked.
“Because this song will open the door to your destiny, this song will open the doors in the Temple of Time. This is the Ocarina of Time.” Without saying another word, I put the ocarina to my lips and began playing. Once I finished, the ocarina glowed even brighter than before, and I felt a feeling of accomplishment.
“Good luck,” said Zelda parting me from my thoughts, “even though you won’t need it.” The dream then started fading.
“Wait,” I yelled as she faded away with the dream, “will I ever see you again?” She just smiled before a light blinded me.
“Hey!” said the familiar voice as I opened my eyes and found myself at the entrance to the castle.
I hope you liked this story by Go_Dark_Link!

Next week...

Writing Community Competition Week 9
The Legend of Zelda
Majora's Mask

Your deadline is 24/04/11. Please make sure your entry is 100-300 words. I look forward to your stories!


DGN's Metaphysicist
Oct 9, 2009
Ponyville, Equestria ('murica irl)
...Nice story?
...If you want people to enter, maybe you should put a link in your sig to a private message addressed to yourself, the link's text being "Enter the WCC!" or something like that. Just a suggestion.


Oct 4, 2010
I am thinking about joining the in on the next theme. Majora's Mask is one of my favorite Zelda games, and I think I can write something up.

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