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Would You Want to Be The Hero of Time, Winds,ect

Aug 9, 2013
I want to ask would any other people actually want to be Link and face all the trials he had and if so which Link would you want to be :)


trollin for booty
Sep 29, 2009
i think i wouldn't mind being the hero of time, i've always been adventurous. it would definitely be an experience to never forget.


Hero of the Stars
Nov 10, 2011
Lost Woods
Wait wait you guys want to be the Hero of Time? You want to be a young child thrust into a young adult's body, save the world and then be thrown back to your own child body more matured and having absolutely no one recognize how you saved Hyrule?

That sounds like it sucks to me.

I'd want to be the Minish Cap Link. So what's he the New Hero of Men or Hero of Minish or something? He lives in a nice house just outside of a busy town, and after he saves Hyrule he gets bored of all the fame and goes off in the forest probably to go look for the Minish or something. And he's friends with the princess. He wins :zelda:
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Nov 25, 2012
The Underground
Hero of whatever SS Link is the hero of. (Seriously, does he have a title? Does anyone know what it is?)

I believe he's just 'The Hero' I think. I think I'm wrong, but... I'm pretty sure I'm right. That made no sense...

Anyway, I would want to be the Hero of Winds. Because... TWW. And sailing. And being a cartoony looking guy.


May 18, 2013
Alttp Link, he gets the full Triforce, conquers his nightmares, saves other lands becomes a hero recognised outside of his homeland and generally gets to travel the world.
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Jun 9, 2012
I would want to be the Hero of Winds. I think it would be pretty cool to have the ability to change the direction of wind.


Rock and roll will never die
Jun 15, 2012
London, United Kingdom
Skyward Sword Link is 'The Chosen Hero'. It's one of those some are born great, others have greatness thrust upon them debates, and I believe SS Link falls into the latter category. He was a normal lazy kid until then.

I would like to be the Hero of Time. Do you know why? Time travel is always cool, and using time travel to save the world is even cooler.
Aug 10, 2013
City of Angels
I like Twilight Princess's title for Link: Hero Chosen by the Gods and Blue Eyed Beast. I find Hero Chosen by the Gods more prophetic than Hero of Time, and Blue Eyed Beast sounds too awesome.
Aug 12, 2013
Ashland, OR
For most of the Zelda games, absolutely not. You find out you're an orphan after being laughed at your whole life and then get told you HAVE to leave and do all this dangerous stuff with nothing but a wooden shield and a tiny sword? You soul gets locked up for 7 years and then you get thrust out into a world all messed up by evil, being told you are the one that has to save it because, you know, nobody else "can?" Having your sister kidnapped and you having to leave home in clothes you hate, then getting imprisoned repeatedly and having to fight birds and things that could eat you for a mid-day snack? Having to enter a Dark World where the monsters actually ARE monsters and items are hidden in the skulls of the fallen? Being dropped in a desert infested with goblins and other monsters with NO weapon or shield and having to actually find a random old man for help? All these and so many more crap events or conditions would make me never want to be the Hero of Time. It's awesome to control the Hero of Time and enable him to complete his journey, but never in real life. I'll pass. :)

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