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Would you change anything about your appearance?


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
I know lots of people that want to change the way they look or who would want to look different to how they do now. So just wondering what you would change about your appearance, if anything?
It could be anything from a hairstyle or colour you want to have, to a major feature like your nose or height or something.
If i could i'd get my lips fixed, they dont meet properly when i close my mouth. Its not like you can see my teeth through my lips, but the way my scars have healed makes them look like im kind of doing this : :S


つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Nov 12, 2007
In bed
I think I'm at the first point in my life where I wouldn't really change anything. Just happy with what I have! But if I had to think of anything, first that comes to mind are my eyebrows. There's not huge, buuuuuut they're bigger than I'd like them to be. Not a huge issue, just needs a lot of maintenance! And I suppose I'd have liked to have bright, blue eyes. People say I have nice eyes and it's like... they're brown. That's the default colour!

Was a lot unhappier when I was younger, thankfully those days are gone!


Sep 19, 2011
V2 White Male
I've forgotten the name unfortunately but it was @Matt that brought her up in a conversation. Basically it's a Russian male turned into a female and my god does she look amazing, you would have never thought she... He? We're a girl. She looks better than most females. She still has a Penis however and trolls guys online with it all the time, by first flirting with them and then revealing she has a Dick. (wouldn't work on me of course and that would only sweeten the deal wow wow wee wa) anyway I would love to look like him/her so I could do the same.
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Hello Sweetie!
Jun 18, 2011
I wouldn't do the surgery or anything, but if I got the magical chance of changing something with me, then I'd love to change my boob to body size ratio. I don't mind so much being my size (not huge, but not thin either), but the small boobs/larger body combo has always bothered me.

A more fun change would be the ability to change my hair colour at will so that it could always suit my mood :P

Mellow Ezlo

Staff member
ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
My head shape. I have a really ovally head, and it makes short hair look... well, not as good as it should on me (which sucks because I like having short hair over long).

I'd also stop my godawful unibrow from ever growing back.

Other than that, a little more muscle would be nice! :coolsar:


Fuzzy Pickles
Mar 27, 2015
United States
At one point I wished I were two inches taller (5 cm for those who use real measurements). But I'm over that.

HOWEVER, I would shorten my eyelash length. When I was little, people used to pick on me and call me mascara boy, because my eyelashes are so long and lush. It doesn't bother me in that context anymore, but I very frequently get eyelashes in my eyes, because they're so long. It's a real pain.

Girls all the time tell me "I wish I had your eyelashes" and I tell them I wish I didn't have any.
Aug 28, 2015
I wish my face was more attractive. I had a facial problem when I was young, and my nose is slightly crooked for it. I also wish my hair was ginger, just to see what my long hairstyle would look like red instead of blond.

Snow Queen

Mannceaux Signature Collection
Mar 14, 2013
Grand Rapids, MI
Transwoman (she/her)
Sorry, Herbivore, for just replying to all the threads you're replying to, lol.

Being trans I guess it's obvious that yeah, I'd like to change my appearance a bit. I really hate how I look, and I'm just so unsatisfied with it. I hate looking in the mirror because it makes me cry. I hate my brown hair, my gray eyes, I hate being so tall, I wish I was curvier, etc. There's a lot I'd like to change about how I look so I can be comfortable in my own body for once.


wtf did u say about me u little mcnuggit?
Feb 17, 2015
California, USA
I've learned to love myself and my body and appearance, but if I had to change something, I would drop a few pounds and lose the remaining acne on my face.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
I'd add a couple of inches to my height, just so I could tower over my father. I was always telling him when I was a wee lad that I would beat him one day and he would be shorter than me. I managed to get an inch on him but one inch taller is not so noticable so I'd probably go for another 3 extra inches for myself.

Apart from that I want to grow some bigger muscles which is doable, so its not like I need a magic wand for that.


Angel of Darkness
Staff member
ZD Legend
Jan 31, 2010
Yahtzee, Supernatural
Angel of Darkness
Sorry, Herbivore, for just replying to all the threads you're replying to, lol.

Being trans I guess it's obvious that yeah, I'd like to change my appearance a bit. I really hate how I look, and I'm just so unsatisfied with it. I hate looking in the mirror because it makes me cry. I hate my brown hair, my gray eyes, I hate being so tall, I wish I was curvier, etc. There's a lot I'd like to change about how I look so I can be comfortable in my own body for once.
Awwww, I don't know how you feel because I'm not trans, but as I have told you my sister is and she used to have the same feeling all the time even going as far as cutting herself because she hated her male body so much. Now she is "complete" for a bit more than a year now and feels comfortable. I hope one day the same is going to hapen to you ;)

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