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Would Lyrics in a Zelda Soundtrack Ruin the Game?

Azure Sage

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I was inspired to start this thread after I watched brentalfloss's youtube videos "What If Zelda/II Had Lyrics?" for the 20th time, and thought, "What if Nintendo takes him seriously? How well would that go over?". I doubt they'd make a Zelda soundtrack with lyrics as... profane... as his. The lyrics would probably be in Japanese, which I personally don't mind since I listen to Japanese rock all the time.(mainly L'Arc~en~Ciel and NICO Touches the Walls) But the questionability of Nintendo doing this lies within the game itself. How well would it work? How pissed off would the fans be? Any thoughts?
Dec 3, 2010
Well, I would prefer standard Zelda music, however, I wouldn't mind having a opening song with lyrics (aka. Kingdom Hearts). If done right, it could work. And if you consider the original Fire temple theme of OoT, I wouldn't mine dungeon themes like that either. But that's just me.


and Tonic
Nov 29, 2010
The Flying Mobile Opression fortress
I do not think it would be a problem. However it might work better if lyrics were added for a soundtrack release and kept out of the game. Final Fantasy has done this on several occasions. They added lyrics to a symphonic version of in game music of the first six games. Some were even done in specific styles such as celtic or opera.

The lyrics would probably be in Japanese, which I personally don't mind since I listen to Japanese rock all the time.
Not always, in the Final Fantasy soundtracks the lyrics could be in English, Gaelic, Italian, as well as Japanese. I do not see why the same could be done with Zelda music. I would actually like to hear a few songs in Gaelic.

In that I wish Nintendo would go as far as Squaresoft when releasing things like soundtracks and artbooks of their series. The symphonic Chrono Trigger soundtrack was great. I cannot think of Nintendo placing nearly as much effort into something like that before.


Hero of the Zora
Nov 5, 2010
In my opinion, the original Fire Temple theme was awesome. I would love to see stuff like that in future games. As to literally setting lyrics to the music, I'm not so sure about that. Maybe if they went in the style of Adiemus and just used meaningless words purely for the sound they make, that might be pretty cool. As long as the music fits in with the game, I'll be happy.


Oct 4, 2010
Just like it was said, it might not always ruin the game. I have seen some video games that have lyrics in their theme song, but other than that it is pretty much it. You see, most video game music is made and composed, so it will not get boring so easily. If you add lyrics, it is a little bit more challenging. I don't really prefer to have lyrics, but if they fit in a song perfectly then I love it.

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