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Wind Waker fans

Jan 11, 2021
I'm re-playing Wind Waker and I haven't really changed my opinion that it's not that great. But I know there are a lot of fans of the game, especially on the forum, and I wonder what they see in it that I am missing. If you're a fan of the game, could you share memories of the game, favorite parts, or what makes it so special?

Azure Sage

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The art style is lovely. The story is pretty interesting. The gameplay can be a lot of fun and I think the dungeons are mostly pretty good. The characters are all pretty neat and likeable. Sailing is a lot of fun, although admittedly the islands could stand to have more stuff on em. I blame tech limitations for that mostly maybe.

All in all it's a really solid game and it's definitely one of the better Zelda games.
Easily the best art style Zelda has seen, IMHO. The best soundtrack, cast of characters, and story in the series as well (not that that's a very high standard but hey), if you ask me. The combat is fluid and fun, and the world is (despite the tech limitations) enjoyable to explore.

It's a very charming game. I consider it to be my second favorite behind BotW, actually.


Jun 22, 2011
United States
I really enjoy the exploration. After the second dungeon you can sail anywhere, and I would always fill out my map and go everywhere to see what I could do and make mental notes about what I would have to return for later. I think this is one of very few Zeldas in which side quests are the source of most of the enjoyment. Tracking down heart pieces and treasure charts is a lot of fun for me.

In the main quest one of my favorite parts was the huge fight in the castle, and I thought the dungeons had creative puzzles, especially the last ones with a second character to control. The Wii U version only made it better for me with the swift sail making traveling faster and some other things being streamlined.


Mr. SidleInYourDMs
ZD Champion
May 5, 2012
American Wasteland
it was the first zelda game I ever played when I was 7, the year it came out too funnily enough, so I have a ton of nostalgic memories of it

I love a lot of the main story moments [obtaining the pearls, the cursed sea, meeting ganon, underwater hyrule, etc.], I loved exploring and charting all the different islands, finding hidden treasures within those islands, fighting bokoblins and other enemies on the platforms and submarines, the combat was pretty fun, all the sidequests in windfall island, the graphics/artsyle of course appealed to me as a young kid, the soundtrack

and I think you get the picture, it's a high quality game that I played at the right age, even taking in all the problems with sailing around constantly

Mellow Ezlo

Spoony Bard
Dec 2, 2012
A large open world; extremely fluid combat mechanics; the best Boomerang in the series; a charming artstyle; a good story that is genuinely emotional at times; the best Ganondorf fight (imo); likeable characters; controlling other characters, something that was briefly explored in MM but greatly expanded upon here; a fantastic soundtrack; the ability to look like a badass sailing across the vast open ocean; sploosh kaboom; the first real gauntlet dungeon, and a fantastic one at that; Ganondorf actually being a good fleshed-out character for once; KorL; flying around with the deku leaf; I could name more things that are more specific, such as the Earth Temple being one of the best dungeons in the series and Link actually having a family. I could talk for hours about why The Wind Waker is overtaken only by Majora's Mask as my favourite Zelda game. Nostalgia might play a part of course, as The Wind Waker is the first game I beat by myself, but I just love it and always will!


The one and only.
Sep 29, 2020
The Lone Star State
Manufacturer recommended settings
So, I'm just gonna use this thread to ask this because it's for Wind Waker fans:
Would you like it if the Ghost Ship were a full dungeon to get the Triforce of Courage instead of the Triforce Hunt?

Mikey the Moblin

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
So, I'm just gonna use this thread to ask this because it's for Wind Waker fans:
Would you like it if the Ghost Ship were a full dungeon to get the Triforce of Courage instead of the Triforce Hunt?
Of course I would
Although would admittedly be a little weird if you found the ghost ship chart in a dungeon and the ghost ship was also a dungeon like the dungeon the ghost ship chart was in

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