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The Wind Waker Wind Waker 3ds.

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If I was a wizard this wouldn't be happening to me
May 20, 2012
Sub-Orbital Trajectory
It would be neat to have, but it's not going to happen. Maybe in a decade or so we might get a port onto the new handheld system of the day, but not for a long time (long after the 3DS passes on).


Jul 1, 2012
I'd love to, hell, the possibility of any console title on a handheld platform is an intriguing prospect. Don't get me wrong, some games are made for larger screens, but I think The Wind Waker Is a good title to enjoy on a handheld just for the simple fact that we've had its sequels (PH and ST) on portable systems, so it kind of makes sense in a way.

However let's face reality, this isn't going to happen any time soon. We've just had a remake of TWW and all the hype is about Majora's Mask 3D being the next big remake and, honestly, I'd much rather see that first.

Snow Queen

Mannceaux Signature Collection
Mar 14, 2013
Grand Rapids, MI
Transwoman (she/her)

I like Wind Waker, but we JUST got it for Wii U. A 3DS one seems unnecessary. The only decent reason I could think of to have TWW on 3DS is because everything on 3DS sells better.


embrace the brand new day
Oct 23, 2012
While I'd love to see TWW on 3DS (because I don't have a WiiU and therefore don't have TWW HD), I would prefer if Nintendo kept taking some time between releases. I don't want to see one of my favorite gaming series turn into CoD, where it comes out with a "new" game every year just because they want to make a quick buck. I think it would be a real big turn off for the fans very quickly.
Jan 21, 2013
Clock Town
Absolutely not. Too much, too soon. Phantom Hourglass already brought the same style and spirit to the DS system, and they just did a glorious remake of WW for Wii U.
Nov 12, 2024
It would be neat to have, but it's not going to happen. Maybe in a decade or so we might get a port onto the new handheld system of the day, but not for a long time (long after the 3DS passes on).
Decade later here, still nothing LOL switch emulation and ports are horrible
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