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Breath of the Wild Will BOTW kill traditional 3D Zelda design?


つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Nov 12, 2007
In bed
I don't think it's dead, They still do the fun top-down Zelda games sometimes and stuff. i think theyll try to merge them a bit more imo. you can still merge BOTW exploration and gameplay with traditional big dungeons and gear. so maybe after the sequel they'll look to change it up by borrowing a bit from older entries!


not actually Canadian
Feb 19, 2020
I doubt it. The “old formula” wasn’t at all broken, it was just old. I’m willing to bet that after BOTW2 (or perhaps in BOTW2) Nintendo will begin to merge the designs and hopefully introduce new ideas, something they’ve never failed to do.
I love the open world format. BotW was the first Zelda game I ever played and I’m afraid I can’t backtrack-I don’t like the early Zelda games!
There I’ve said it…..you can send me to Coventry if you want!!!!
That's totally okay! BotW drew in a lot of new players and you're not alone here. I think that's why if they were to return to the series roots, they should hybridize ideas from BotW that worked well, with some of the established structure as previous titles. All experimental Zelda titles do leave some form of legacy to the series, I think.

I'd point to Skyrim as an example of how even like, questlines, though you can do the questlines in whichever order you choose, the progression of each questline is still linear so there still is a degree of structure in how you progress. I've certainly explored areas in Skyrim before I got a quest tied to those areas, and I kind of like that, honestly. So giving us a more traditional Zelda storyline to accompany an open world, I don't think would be impossible.

Ghost of Mikeys Past

if I had a nickel for every time I ran out of spac
Aug 31, 2014
southworst united states
That's totally okay! BotW drew in a lot of new players and you're not alone here. I think that's why if they were to return to the series roots, they should hybridize ideas from BotW that worked well, with some of the established structure as previous titles. All experimental Zelda titles do leave some form of legacy to the series, I think.

I'd point to Skyrim as an example of how even like, questlines, though you can do the questlines in whichever order you choose, the progression of each questline is still linear so there still is a degree of structure in how you progress. I've certainly explored areas in Skyrim before I got a quest tied to those areas, and I kind of like that, honestly. So giving us a more traditional Zelda storyline to accompany an open world, I don't think would be impossible.
honestly, the open world doesn't bother me
the lack of lock and key progression is what does bother me
bring that back and I'm okay with p much anything else they do probably
Jul 16, 2021
BOTW can do both.

Just focus more on what Zelda was great at while keeping what BOTW is good at

Also don't focus on gimmicks. BOTW's main dungeons used the same design concept and that got old. Mix it up. We don't need to play another dungeon where were moving it around. It was fine for the Fire and Wind Dungeon. Water one was a bit meh. The desert one was abysmal. Just awful.

accio boomerang

you've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?
Feb 22, 2021
Honestly I really liked the version of open world that BOTW had but I really missed the traditional 3D zelda dungeons, the shrines were alright but I am hoping that they actually add dungeons (and of course some shrines are fine too! having both would actually be different and pretty neat) but I really want there to be more of a story in BoTW2 and honestly I think that the option to fight the boss right away should be eliminated.

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