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Will amiibo be compatible with NX?

Love it or hate it, nintendo's amiibo range has really brought in the dough.

We know nothing about the NX but its hard to imagine that nintendo would let the amiibo range die with the WiiU. Or maybe they would... After smash bros there isn't another game where they can bi-monthly release a new set of characters totaling 50+ for a series...

What do you think, will the amiibo range survive the WiiU and move to the NX, or will amiibo die with the WiiU?


The lazy Chaos Bringer
Mar 25, 2015
I have no idea. Given I have little to no info on the NX. I kinda hope they die to save my wallet but i want them to continue cause i want an excuse to have a useful little figurine of fav characters. Bayonetta Amiibo for smash!!


AKA Patrick
Aug 13, 2013
The amiibos are definitely going to stay around, it would be a terrible business decision to get rid of such a money maker.


~ It's me, Dio!~
Jul 6, 2011
Absolute unit
The Amiibo scam is making Nintendo money along with the paid DLC so I wouldn't expect them to go anywhere.

Sm4sh was a lazy HD Brawl.5 with a few extra items and characters added in. Probably made entirely with the amiibo scam in mind. I imagine they are making sma5h already, preparing them to release a brand new wave of amiibos for when the NX comes out.


Fuzzy Pickles
Mar 27, 2015
United States
Of course it'll be there. They're making insane money with that stuff.

Though personally I think amiibo have gone too far, but that's just my opinion. I was actually fine with them when it was just the traditional figurines, but now there are like 9 version of the same character, and I think it's beyond ludicrous. But again, that's just my opinion.
May 4, 2014
Don't see why they wouldn't be. Ninty is making mad amounts of money like Activision is on Skylanders. So yes, there will be Amiibo support for the NX.


Jun 11, 2015
We all know that they will go on because of the business decision but I think a better question (sorry @Spirit) is:

How will the NX use amiibo's in a fashion that the Wii U doesn't?

Will Nintendo actually use them as "games" that they have referred to on occasion or will they still just be bonus items in games that are released on the NX?
May 4, 2014
We all know that they will go on because of the business decision but I think a better question (sorry @Spirit) is:

How will the NX use amiibo's in a fashion that the Wii U doesn't?

Will Nintendo actually use them as "games" that they have referred to on occasion or will they still just be bonus items in games that are released on the NX?

Since they can't be assed to get their act together on them, its best to use them as bonus items then in actual games.


Still Fandom Trash
Jul 7, 2015
Furthest Ring
Well, knowing Nintendo, they're probably going to continue the Amiibo gimick as long as it makes money. I mean, its an interesting concept, but I don't believe its going to be part of "next gen gaming."


The lazy Chaos Bringer
Mar 25, 2015
I was close. And I'm sure eventually there will be 9.
I admit at the moment it is a bit bad but hey it atleast gives people a chance to get their hands on certain amiibos even if it isnt in a certain pose. Given they have the bad habit of not supplying demand. I want my a lot of the rare amiibos. Wish it ws limited addition versions that was sttore specific instead of of just certain amiibos being store specific.

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