I truly love lttp.
It has everything i could ever wish for in a game.
When people say to me its an old game thats is why i do not play it.
That is not a reason.
Maybe they do not want to admit that if they play it they will like it more than modern games.
Lttp is to the Zelda series what Super Metroid is to the metroid series its benchmark title.
The fact is in my opinion ive played old and modern games and i just enjoy the old ones better.
What is not to like about lttp.
It has great music.
It is so addictive.
The levels are wonderfully designed.
It was such a great game for its time.
fantastic story.
great gameplay.
And near 20 yrs later its just as good if not better to me that it was back then.
I also loved the weapons,particularly the pegasus boots.
And also how the master sword fired when you had full health.
Here is the ending to Lttp.
Fantastic music.
There was so much to do.
It was the first Zelda game to have both a dark and light world.
Later copied by OOT.
To many gamers now say leave old games in the past.
Lttp was not great in terms of graphics but it was such an amazing game in every way it means nothing.
Super Metroid, and LTTP, two of the finest games ever made.
Both are the number one in their respective series..
Well that is up to them, but at least give these old games a chance before passing your verdict.
Think ill play both on my snes later.