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A Link to the Past Why No Video Walkthrough?

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Jul 28, 2011
Sorry if this might belong in another forum, but I noticed recently that Mases has never put together a video walkthrough for LttP. I find it odd that he would create video walkthroughs for the other three games that kick off the Zelda series, but not that one. Has anything ever been said as to why that is?
Dec 21, 2011
I never actually followed the video walkthroughs.

I'd assume it's because Caleb is going to do it and he hasn't found the time yet.
May 25, 2008
In my house
Because we have 1 (kind of) main person that makes video walkthroughs on youtube. In the three (or so) years we've actually been consistently doing video walkthroughs, only Caleb or Mases have been doing them. Now, think about Majora's Mask. It took about 9 months or so for Caleb to create that walkthrough. 3 years divided by 9 months is about 4 video walkthroughs. So, give or take, we're actually exceeding what our goal should be at the moment.

Long story short, people don't seem to understand that there are 15+ Zelda games to choose from. When we do A Link to the Past, people complain that we don't do Wind Waker. When we do Wind Waker, people complain that we don't do The Minish Cap. It all goes round and round, and as Caleb has said, "Unlike Link, there isn't four of him."
May 25, 2008
In my house
It's not procrastination.

If you can manage to create a video walkthrough with recording, voice overs, putting content on sidebars, and making the videos look nice, all while going to school or work full time (or both), feel free to join the team.
Nov 7, 2011
If you can manage to create a video walkthrough with recording, voice overs, putting content on sidebars, and making the videos look nice, all while going to school or work full time (or both), feel free to join the team.
I honestly do think I could. Let's say if I played through OoT, takes about 20-25 hours to complete (depending on what kind of walkthrough it is of course). I can't imagine voice overs and content doing any more than doubling that time. 50 hours at most. An hour a day and it's done in less than two months.

But whatever, I don't use the walkthroughs so I'm not complaining.
May 25, 2008
In my house
It sure can. After recording the MM walkthrough, it took sir Caleb about 2 hours to make and finish up each individual video. 2 hours x 80 videos is 160 hours. If you somehow manage to have enough time to complete one each day, that's still about 5 1/2 months. Add recording time, days where there isn't enough time to complete one, other projects and needs, school, work. It's about right.



Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere
I honestly do think I could. Let's say if I played through OoT, takes about 20-25 hours to complete (depending on what kind of walkthrough it is of course). I can't imagine voice overs and content doing any more than doubling that time. 50 hours at most. An hour a day and it's done in less than two months.

It's easy to say that before you actually try it. It's really not that easy, especially if you're going for top-notch quality.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
It's really that easy to create "professional" looking vid guides – I do it all the time (did; before my PC took oiu0 and unwillingly married it). The equipment is the hardest part, due to expenses, but using said equipment is a piece of cake.

- Buy capture devices (Hauppauge HD PVR is recommended for best quality but people on the lower end use EasyCap or Dazzle)
- Buy game and console (e.g N64 and Ocarina of Time v1.0)
- Buy video editing software (Sony Vegas is for beginners and what I personally use; everything else is expensive just for the sake of it)
- Learn video editing software
- Record game and upload clip to PC
- Apply knowledge in the form of text, cropping, renders and so on
* Obtain a good quality mic
- Record voice
- Apply voice to video stream
- Render video
- Upload to YouTube

Also, for video compression, I HIGHLY recommend the program Handbrake. It cuts down on filesize while retaining HD quality – obviously a working solution for those of you who use HD PVR or record in Full Frames (No Skipping). All of the steps barring buying the equipment and obviously playing the game to record it take little more than an hour, minus rendering time (generally users render vids in bulk while going to work/school) and also upload time.

Now I realize Caleb is a working man and I respect that. I'm not saying ZD is going too slow with it's walkthroughs, rather saying that people who are complaining should try to pitch in themselves and work on the walkthroughs if they so could.
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Nov 7, 2011
It's easy to say that before you actually try it. It's really not that easy, especially if you're going for top-notch quality.
Well I've made plenty of video projects in my time. Admittedly never a video walkthrough. But if I can make a half hour film in a month and a half (without script writing time that is) I'm sure I could get a walkthrough done at a quick enough pace.
I don't have the capture software mind. I'd have to give that a look up.


Sorry if this might belong in another forum, but I noticed recently that Mases has never put together a video walkthrough for LttP. I find it odd that he would create video walkthroughs for the other three games that kick off the Zelda series, but not that one. Has anything ever been said as to why that is?

I made a walkthrough on youtube of LttP. Barely any views but I present many good strategies. I got a bit sloppy at the end since I was annoyed I had hardly any viewers but vowed to finish it. I have a special sequence breaking strategy I utilize in the dark world because it actually optimizes the game to be easier because you get certain important upgrades sooner. Maybe if I link it here again, someone will come watch it.



Jul 26, 2010
I'm not really seeing a lot of room for discussion since the question was more or less answered. If you still have a question, feel free to PM a mod.

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