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Why Do You Listen to Music?


Jul 1, 2012
Music has been such a big thing in my life, as I'm sure it has been in many others, but essentially, whether we enjoy it or not, there has to be a reason, a motive, to actually want to listen to music.

So why do you listen to music? Of course you may have many different reasons to do so, so list all them if you can, but also state your main reason as to why you enjoy listening to music.

Azure Sage

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The main reason I listen to music is because I enjoy the way it sounds. It puts me in a good mood when I listen to something I like. Another reason I listen to music is that it helps me focus. Doing homework or drawing or writing; whatever the case may be, listening to music usually helps me keep my focus. I also listen to it to fantasize or daydream. Daydreaming is a hobby of mine, and listening to music while doing it is a lot of fun.

Johnny Sooshi

Just a sleepy guy
Nov 1, 2011
a Taco Bell dumpster
The emotion that music of varying styles puts in me is what I love about music. I can listen to a song and enjoy not just the song, but the mood it puts me in. It's an escape for me the way some people escape while drawing, or writing, or playing sports. I can make it and enjoy it to it's fullest. It's kind of almost spiritual for me in a way.


Hello Sweetie!
Jun 18, 2011
I tend to listen to music to stive off boredom when watching or reading something isn't an option (like when I'm out walking or I have to tidy/clean something). Other than that I'm either vidding or looking for a song that I want to make a video for...


luke is my wife
Apr 9, 2010
I listen to music whenever I can. Like, there are very few times when you'll see me without my iPod. I bring it everywhere and every time my damn headphones break it's like another personal crisis to deal with. One of the main reasons why I listen to music is to prevent boredom, as misskitten said. Whenever I have chores to do, like cleaning the bathroom or walking the dogs, I'll be listening to music. I even listen to it when I work because I clean locker rooms at a gym.

I have a playlist that I use to drive up my heart rate. It's for exercising and needs to be fast-paced. This is also considered my fun playlist, because it has mostly happy, fast songs. It helps me get my "game face" on before practice or games. Then, I have a playlist for sleeping, which is one of the biggest reasons I listen to music. I set the sleep timer on my iPod and listen to music for over an hour every night before bed. Usually it helps me sleep.

Above all, I listen to music because it makes me happy. Anyone who knows me knows that I'm a huge pop music junkie. All those pop artists you hate that are ruining the music industry? I probably love them. If I listened to music to please others, I wouldn't listen to that type of music. But it makes me feel sassy when I sing along to Katy Perry so goddamnit I will.


Mad haters lmao
May 26, 2010
Hylian Champion
I used to listen to music because it sounded cool. Well, the tracks I had were cool. ;p

But now? I listen to them to escape boredom. I used to use vidya gaems and studying to escape said boredom, but I'm not feeling it. I also use them to vent. In general I'm an aggressive kinda guy. Gotta be ther first. Gotta be on top. Anyone who threatens otherwise will get the boot. But that needs to change. So...

I realize that I like snowy themes and generally depressing music lately. Well, not lately - I always have liked this sort of music. It makes me feel like life is nothing but a depressive gray, and it really is. By utilising that depressive gray essence, it keeps me either calm or reserved; and a lot less angry. Music is wonderful.

Lord Vain

Dawn of a New Day
Nov 29, 2011
It makes doing various activities more enjoyable for me, whether it be doing stuff online or taking a walk in the park nearby, listening to music during just makes stuff better.

Mellow Ezlo

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ZD Champion
Dec 2, 2012
I actually don't know why I listen to music. Probably because it calms me down. But, I listen to music practically every minute of every day, even when falling asleep. It helps me concentrate when I'm working, or doing homework, or something along those lines. And also, as a musician myself, I have a natural love for all types of music.

Burning Beast

Go to Hell 4 Heavens Sake
Dec 6, 2012
Zelda Dungeon
I listen to music cause I love the stuff! Seriously, I like listening to music more than video gaming! The main reason being is I love to sing and usually sing along to whatever I listen to. I listen to a very wide variety of songs and am constantly adding one or two more to my collection so I never get bored with it.

It also serves as a source for inspiration for me, I like inspirational kinds of music and listen to songs that often times drive me to want to do better at something or make me want to try harder at things. Plus, lots of songs are just plain epic.

Then there's music I just listen to for fun. And there's an obvious reason, cause I enjoy listening to music.

Other songs I like to listen to lyrics and stuff and apply it to me. It helps me think and function better.

Idk, I guess ultimately it boils down to just really loving music. :)
Aug 18, 2009
Mostly to relax, but at times I listen because I also feel like singing some song along. And I also listen to music because it inspires me with my writing, it's like fuel for me. :nod:


Green Eyed Gerudo Geek
Jul 15, 2013
I saw the title of this posting and I had to answer: the answer is WHY NOT LISTEN TO MUSIC? Music relieves stress and anxiety... Since this site is a Zelda fan base so here's a counter Question:

WHY NOT LISTEN TO ZELDA OR VIDEO GAME MUSIC IN GENERAL? As for me humming a tune from your favorite game, I imagine that I am that hero of that particular game and it gets me away from reality for awhile...

For me, gaming is a big part of my life and would have gone insane in various parts in my life without it...

Here's a trivia question: WHAT IS ONE OF THE MOST DOWNLOADED RINGTONE SONGS? Here's a VERY HUGE HINT: It's from Nintendo...


Aug 15, 2010
Somewhere with wireless internet...
I listen to music because I love it.
I love music for different reasons. It helps me focus and concentrate better, which is often a struggle for someone with ADHD... My favorites are classic rock and Irish music and while they seem to have very little in common, both can be amazing and beautiful.
I think music can make me feel better, provide inspiration and is a beautiful thing.

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