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Who or What is The Fierce Deity?

Who is He?

  • Deity

    Votes: 4 40.0%
  • Demon

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • Interloper

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • Steam Punk Cosplay

    Votes: 4 40.0%

  • Total voters


visitor from the universe
Dec 9, 2024
Kitchen Island
I wrote a theory about the buddhist angle once. It got picked up by Zeltik for his youtube video.

I think the mask contains the powers of all masks, and through it Link takes a form similar to the most famous fierce deity in Japanese Buddhism, Fudo Myo'o.
Alternatively, the power of the masks heals the moon itself, which could possibly be like a fifth giant that shares its powers.

Symbolically it's adulthood finally unleashed.
Link's journey in OoT was of reaching adulthood.
In MM he goes in search of Navi, who is the only one that remembers Link as an adult AND was Link's fairy, which in Kokiri culture signifies a coming of age.
Skull Kid transforms Link into an even younger looking Deku. He also transforms Kafei into a child. Skull Kid's only motivation is because his friends (the Giants) quit playing to fulfil their duties.

Basically, the FDM is the moment Link says "I am an adullllllllt" and proceeds to spank MM and tells it to grow the hell up.
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Jan 19, 2018
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the japanese name for the character is 鬼神, a word which is used as the japanese name for a class of buddhist deities, but is also used to refer to demon-like beings in general, especially in modern fiction like anime and videogames. (in these cases the english translation is generally something like "demon god" rather than "fierce/wrathful deity".) I don't know how much collaboration there was between the english localization team and the creative team at the time majora's mask was translated, but its possible that the buddhist connection was unintentional.
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I play my drum for you
Jan 30, 2011
Tangent Universe
The Japanese name is "Kishin Rinku", meaning "Fierce Deity". In my (very limited) research that I've done, I think I'd call him a demon.
鬼神 is the Japanese word used, and I think that the characters translate to "Oni" and "Kami". So Demon Gods. Evil gods that cause destruction and mayhem.
The word is used in Buddhism particularly to refer to wrathful gods. Hence the translation as "Fierce Deity".
So technically he'd be both, but the Demon vibe would be stronger than the God vibe.
EDIT: Well damn it Rag, why do you have to beat me by one post (and, like, three weeks) lol

Daku Rinku

Honorary Gerudo
Jun 1, 2023
correct me if I'm wrong, in the game, Morjada is suggested to be tied to the moon. I have heard a theory say that morjada and this fierce deity are like Devine beings tied to the sun and moon.
That could explain why sun and moon is on Fierce Deity's Armor.

Interesting theory.

Hyrulian Hero

Zelda Informer Codger
Oct 6, 2016
No sun on his armor.

Name one thing about this character that resembles the Fierce Deity form but not Link.
Wow, that's a lot of...passion. Congratulations. Since we're just full of superiority here, I offer the closest thing to an answer straight from the horse's mouth (of which, being a top theorist, you're obviously aware):

"Aonuma: The best I can give you is just a suggestion. The best way to think about it is that the memories of all the people of Termina are inside of the Fierce Deity Mask.”

- via Game Informer, 2015

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