Toon Link/The Wind Waker Link - He's the most expressive of the Link's. He has many things to show that the others never did, such as fear, playfulness, the way he can make conversations go. Sure Link's don't talk, but through the use of his expressions you can see what kind of person Toon Link is. Another thing to note is that he's the only Link who had to earn his status as a Hero. Most Link's start with the Tri-force of Courage and have a set journey that they were destined to. However, Toon Link's was done by mistake. His sister looked like Tetra, which got her stolen by the Helmaroc King. He had to set out to save her. When he failed, he had to earn the right to be granted the Master Sword and even after that, he had to revive it. Not only did he have to revive the sword, but he had to collect the the eight pieces to the Tri-force of Courage and earn his spot as a Hero. When he finally achieved the pieces and went to save Zelda, it was then that he was dubbed the Hero of the Winds. Now, I had many reasons to like Toon Link, but with that list that dot dynamite had linked us to, I was able to explain it better as to why I do like him over the others. Not only does it come to that, but he has more signs of family than the others. The Hero of Time's story (OoT) explained it later on, but that was it, so he's an exception to that point. Toon Link went to save someone dear to him and a part of his family, his sister. He also has his Grandma and almost everyone on Outset is so kind and family like to each other there. So in all, Toon Link has a whole island with a family on it. He's a very unique Link in the series compared to the others and I enjoy playing as him and learning his story all together.