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Who here is actually excited for Grand Theft Auto VI?

Jan 23, 2022
I am kind of. But at the same time I still haven't playted GTA San Andreas, GTA IV and still haven't playted Grand Theft Auto V


Vocare Ad Pugnam
Jul 31, 2010
Gotham City
I'm looking forward to it but I wouldn't say I'm "excited" for it yet. We haven't seen much and don't really know many details about it. GTA isn't the kind of series that leaves me anticipating the next one because each game is a stand-alone experience defined by its sandbox, story, and characters and so I can only really enjoy and appreciate it when I've played them and right now, I have no attachment to GTA VI outside of it being another GTA game. I'm sure I'll like it, and maybe it'll be one of my favorite games of all time, but I won't know that until it happens and I'm definitely not gonna act like it is already when I have zero expectations for how it's going to top the last game outside of being yet another technical marvel.
Jan 23, 2022
there better be other stuff going on in GTA VI besides gators in pools and the weird chubby black girls twerking it on car rooftops all the time

Bowsette Plus-Ultra

ZD Legend
Mar 23, 2013
Not particularly. I understand the appeal of modern GTA, but it's all too scripted and cinematic for me. GTA V's storymode is the sort of experience that will MISSION FAIL you for deviating even a little from the well tread linear pathway it's constructed for you. That sort of narrative style just feels like the antithesis of fun to me in a game appearing on the surface to be about chaos and player freedom.
Aug 30, 2024
Being hyped is an understatement haha we have been waiting for so long for this, we are in for something truly special in just a few weeks!

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