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General Classic Which is Easier: a Link to the Past or Ocarina of Time?


Stardust Crusaders
Feb 15, 2010
Seasons in the Abyss [Minnesota]
Alttp had the Ice Temple, but OoT had the Water Temple. I would have to say Alttp is a bit harder because the Ice Temple gave me more trouble than the Water Temple, also Alttp also had harder bosses and more challenging dungeons. Although Ocarina of Time had its hard spots, Alttp had hard puzzles, bosses, and dungeons throughout the whole game. So Alttp gets my vote.


I am a Person of Interest
Jul 12, 2010
Ganon's Tower
Both are decently tough games, but I'd ALttP is harder than OoT. There are several hard dungeons in ALttP (Ice Temple, Ganon's Tower), Ocarina of Time had the Water Temple. Enemies and bosses (Moldorm) in ALttP are harder, and it's more confusing as where to go or what to do in ALttP.

Random Person

Just Some Random Person
Feb 6, 2010
ALttP is more difficult.

1. Enemies do a significant damage while not taking enough damage easily. Also there tend to be an overwhelming amount of them back to back

2. Fairies are limited in healing capabilities.

3. The clues are more vague in ALttP as they tend to be in the older games.


Viceroy of Area 11
Dec 24, 2010
I just bought ALttP on Virtual Console today - I have it for GBA (port with Four Swords) but never got very into it. I'm planning on starting ALttP this weekend.
Dec 12, 2010
I may also buy it on VC. I think it's one of those games that requires a big screen and a nice comfy sofa to experience properly :P. Besides, I lost my GBA version somewhere around the house.

I'm very surprised some people say ALttP is extremely easy. I remember finding it pretty difficult when I last played it.


King of Those Who Know
Aug 29, 2010
Atlanta, Ga
I find Ocarina of Time to be a bit easier than ALTTP. Of course, this is probably because I've played Ocarina of Time much more than A Link To The Past.

Darth Link

LttP, definitly. All in all, OoT allowed Link to do more, which made combat easier with every enemy. LttP was harder just in the sense that the combat is more difficult.


I'd say aLttP is much harder. I think overall 3d is easier and plus the LttP bosses were harder and i needed a lot of help with aLttP when I played it the first time.
Jan 17, 2011
21 Jump St.
Alttp is way harder in combat, puzzles, and just generally figuring out what youre supposed to do. I'd say Alttp is one of the hardest zelda games I've played through, whereas oot is one of the easiest.


Indigo Child
Jan 21, 2011
Krosno, Poland
Ocarina of Time is a lot easier, even Master Quest is easier than A Link to the Past. Even if you don't like switching boots in the Water Temple (OOT), I think you must pause the game more often to change items (ALttP).


Angry Megaman Fan
Jan 24, 2011
Behind you
Ocarina of Time is one of the easiest games out there
A Link To The Past is a totally different story though as dungeons are more confusing, puzzles are better, bosses are way harder and enemies do a lot more damage to you

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