Johnny Sooshi
Just a sleepy guy
Tonight I finished watching Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood, due to the latest Mafia theme that's still in progress. Right now I'm in the process of hunting down another series to get started with this weekend. Hopefully there'll be some good suggestions within this thread.
If you want something good, check out Future Diary. I think the whole series is on Hulu for free and I'm sure you can find other places that have it too. It's insanely good.
Believe it or not, I've actually decided to re-watch Yu-Gi-Oh because I've been watching the insanely hilarious abridged series on Youtube, and it's gotten me interested in the show again. It's quite funny to watch because it's the first time I've watched in something like 6-8 years and looking back the show actually had some decent humor, and it's funny watching adults freak out over a children's card game

Aside from that I'm going back into Bleac, Bo-BoBo, and Soul Eater.
And I'm hoping that soon the series Psyren will be made into an Anime (it's a manga worth checking out if you like post apocalyptic stories or psychic powers).