You guys will probably enjoy my story. I personally can't do simple sentences as I really love going into detail, so I don't mind writing a few paragraphs to let you guys know why I chose my username "Fig". It's quite a heartwarming tale and I still remember every single detail about it ever since I was given my nickname. And with that, I shall tell you guys the tale of how I got the name Fig.
After I graduated from middle school, I committed myself to still stay in the band as I love music and my band friends were always going to stay so the logical choice for me at the time was to continue as I transitioned to high school. Every summer, we have this thing called summer band where we basically learn the basics (if you are a freshman) about marching and learn everything about our theme of the show for the year. This includes memorizing our music, knowing where our spots where from set to set, and pretty much make sure that our intonation is in perfect balance (which is hard for us French Horn players , Gummy and anyone currently in their high school band will understand. :xd

with the rest of the band. As I was trying to get my part memorized within the first week of summer band, I was blessed to meet the Assistant Director of the band one-to-one, Mr. Lopez. Though he was a Saxophone specialist, his favorite instrument was the French Horn and actually knew how to fix my problems that I had at the time. Since then, I would always go to him for assistance, guidance, and knowledge as I started to form a bond with one of the most influential people who have made a positive impact in my life.
One the second week, Wednesday to be precise, was when I got my name. I was practicing for the All-State Music Competition (a competition where you compete against fellow musicians who play the same instrument as oneself within your District and if you placed high enough you can compete at the Region level, followed by Area and then finally the State level where pretty much you are considered on the of the best musicians in your state even US for that matter), Mr. Lopez came up to me and told me that I was doing an amazing job for pushing myself in learning the music. I thanked him for his compliment and then he told me the following words:
Mr. Lopez said:
Hey buddy! I'm really proud of you for wanting to strive for excellence. You remind me so much of my best friend when I was high school. You even have his last name. When we were in high school, we always gave ourselves nicknames because his last name was Figueroa, I called him Fig for short. *chuckles* I was wondering since you remind me so much of him, my I call you Fig in honor of him?
It was how he stated his words that truly touched and captured my heart. You see, his friend recently passed away from cancer (roughly two or three years ago at the time), so I knew how he felt as I experienced such a harsh situation before. I felt so honored and touched that he would like to honor his best friend throughout his life by giving me that same nickname he gave to him. In the time that I got to knew my band director, I always felt that Mr. Lopez acted a lot like my father in terms of personality as he never lost hope in me and always told me that I can do anything if I simply put my mind to it. And because of that, I wear my name with pride and I honor both Mr. Lopez and his best friend with my unique name and it really is. I'm blessed to have been given the honor of receiving my name from a very influential person in my life and to this day I still keep contact with him and tell him all of my wonderful adventures and experiences that I have been a part of in my college life! The name Fig isn't just an alias that I use to give myself a name, it's a part of who I am in this beautiful and cruel world. It's what makes myself who I am right now and I wouldn't want it any other way! :3