Well, I voted Ocarina of Time because, like many here, it is a cherished part of my childhood and it may be the first Zelda game I ever finished. We've always been a Zelda household since the NES (No one in my family likes AoL, horrid game) so we've bought consoles for the sole purpose of buying the corresponding Zelda game. The original Zelda was super hard, but it's so much a part of Zelda history. My mom and grandma played it while my mom was pregnant and after I was born, they made maps and charts and notes and everything. A Link to the Past is an amazing game; wonderful gameplay and an amazing overworld. Finding secrets was so much fun! I can still remember playing Link's Awakening; I had to have a friend help me with some of the last dungeons.
I know WW has taken flak for the toon art, but I found it fun and engaging. I really enjoyed it, even with the sailing bit. TP never grabbed me, but it's my fiancee's favorite Zelda I think! He loved Wolf Link! I didn't like PH at first; I felt it relied too much on the stylus, but I'm giving that another try and really enjoying (courtesy of ZD's walkthrough

. I'm also finally trying the Oracle games; we tried to buy it years ago, but the copy I got was bad.
Skyward Sword. Ah, I really loved this game. I haven't finished just yet, but I've seen the gameplay of the end and thought it was amazing. The flying is a bit annoying, but you get used to it. I thought they did a great amazing job with the motion controls, especially considering the Wii's capabilities. The artwork is beautiful, like a beautiful blend between WW and TP. They really appeared to try to reach a compromise there. I love the cinematics and the story line; this time Link has an emotional rather than ethical or moral investment. He's not just fighting to save a princess he doesn't know and the "world", which can be a very abstract concept, he's fighting to save his friend, Zelda. Anyway, I guess that's my way of saying I don't really have a favorite Zelda, just things I like about almost all of them.