Summer is definitley my favorite season.
- Summer Break: Does this need an explanation lol? No school ftw!
- Summer Vacation: Every year my family and I take a two week vataion somewhere around the world and those places are usually warm as well. We usually get a hotel that comes with a swimming pool and is very close the the beach. The beach and pool are my two favorite places to be. I love to swim and I love the feeling of the warm sun on my skin as well as also viewing the eye candy that's available to me now like someone has previously stated before me.

. And, call be superficial, but I develop a good looking tan as well lol

- Time to yourself: This could go along with your long summer break from school, but that had to do more with just not going to school in general. During summer you just get so much time to yourself to collect your thoughts on various short and long term acticities you plan on doing. You can just take it slow and you usually don't have any pending worrys close or nearby. Summer is the definition of relaxation and i love it.
- Outdoor Activities: I love playing video games just as much as the next person, but I HATE not being able to go outside due to certain... weather conditions.... In the summer, you just put on some shorts and a t-shirt and you're ready to go play some basketball and football for however long you want to. No need to worry for rain (usually) snow, sleet, hail, etc. I also love to run outdoors instead of on an olyptical or treadmill because I love the fresh air, and you can't do that during the winter. Also, my favorite fruit are in season now!
- S.A.D.: I've never been diagnosed with this but I do believe I suffer from a mild case of seasonal affective disorder. This is a psychological disorder where you become depressed during the winter months due to lack of exposure to melationin, or sunlight. I'm not as happy during the winter months as I am during the summer months and it kind of gets annoying at times. I just don't have as much energy, I don't feel like doing too much with my friends, etc. It's not something severe, just something I've noticed making me like summer more
