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What's Your Fave Zelda Track?


Green Eyed Gerudo Geek
Jul 15, 2013
What is your Favorite Zelda Music Track; Here are several Choices to get the topic started; Some of these ARE NOT my particular favorites but nonetheless you have to get the party started somewhere!

ZELDA 1 - Dungeon Theme

ZELDA 2 - Cave Theme

LTTP - Dark World

LA - Ballad of the Wind Fish

OOT - Gerudo Valley

MM - Main Theme (there's something about tuba playing that makes this track memorable)

OOA - Under Water music (after Link obtains Mermaid Suit)

OOS - Dancing Dragon

FS -Opening theme (Never played game)

WW - Dragon Roost Island

FSA - Couldn't tell you because I have never played nor listened to soundtrack

MC - Nothing Unique because of all of the recycled tracks.

TP - Midna's Chanting (not a music chant but still I love to listen)

PH - Bellum's Battle - Part 1

ST - Overworld Theme

SS -Ballad of the Goddesses

Love to hear everyone's thoughts!



Apr 22, 2011

My favorite song of the entire series, my favorite opening of any game I've played too.


Luigi Fan
Apr 20, 2010
Hyrule Castle


Pretty much these two tracks are my favorites, but I also have others like Death Mountain (TP), The Great Sea (TWW), and a few others.

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