My response varies. In Super Metroid, I'll get stuck, stop playing, and then forget about the game for several months before remembering it exists, coming back, making progress, getting stuck, and repeat. That's why I'm still on my first playthrough to this very day. The one time I got stuck in Chrono Trigger (there would have been a lot more instances if I hadn't been introduced to the game via playthroughs on YouTube), I simply watched one of Vinesauce's streams from 2016 (you'd never guess today that you'd actually have to talk to NPCs to advance the Northern Ruins sidequest, and we can thank modern JRPGs for making NPCs completely useless). Cheating, but worth it for the reward. Actually, there was another time I got stuck: I somehow forgot which establishment sold the Jerky (I buy two on every playthrough, one for the Rainbow Shell and another for HIGH CHOLESTEROL), so that led to a very fun several minutes of searching before eventually discovering it at the Snail Stop. Another time I got stuck was on Skyward Sword, which for a game that's basically walking in one direction and one direction only, is definitely very maze-like, and not in the fun Zelda-like way. Skyward Sword was a huge disappointment and a waste of money. I came back to the game later, and I ended up hating it more. Let's see... what other notable times have I gotten stuck in video games? Oh, right, Final Fantasy VII. I had to consult a guide for the Don Corneo quest, and later I'd accidentally load an old savestate and undo all of that progress, so that's when I stopped playing Final Fantasy VII. And, can I be honest? I might be the only person whose gotten stuck on every dungeon in Ocarina of Time and had to come to this site for answers.