I've played/gotten a ways in almost all of them, but I've actually only beaten a few. I wasn't old enough to appreciate the Zelda games until the second half of my life.
I know for a fact I've beaten:
All the others I've either gotten a long ways into myself and/or watched somebody else beat it (one or the other of my brothers) from beginning to end. Minor exceptions, I haven't played or seen beaten (including Link's Awakening and Oracle of Ages).
I think I'm now going to buy Wind Waker the first chance I get.
I've beaten Ocarina of time, Majora's mask, Wind waker, Twilight Princess, Phantom hourglass, Spirit tracks, and Skyward sword all 3d, so what?! lol i'm working on alttp
Lets see lets see lets see...
Completed games by ME:
Lengend of Zelda
A Link to the Past
Link's Awakening
Ocarina of Time (100)
Majora's Mask (100)
The Wind Waker
The Minish Cap (100)
Twilight Princess (100)
Phantom Hourglass (100)
Spirit Tracks (100)
Skyward Sword (100)