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What would you name the next LoZ and what would it be about?


Wii Guy 09

My game would be called the legend of zelda dark legacy. You would play as dark link. this game takes place when ganondorf sends dark link to the water temple in OoT. he is defeated by link, and his hatred grows further. he goes on a journey to find more power, and eventually teams up with link to defeat ganondorf because ganondorf is the one who sends dark link out in the first place. they defeat ganondorf and then dark link defeats link, and he becomes the ruler of the gerudos (sorry if i spelled that wrong) i know i made it sound stupid, but it really could have potential of a really great game.


my zelda game would be called essence of evil, and hyrule is ruled by an evil tyrant, who kidnapped the king and princess zelda. your mentor/helper is an owl who tells you what to do and where to go. first dungeon is to rescue zelda from the dungeons of hyrule castle, after getting the first shield and sword. then, you have to rescue princess zelda from the dungeons of hyrule castle,where you get the Hero's bow. once zelda is safe, she'll tell you about the master sword and gannon and the triforce, and how the master sword was shattered by gannon. you then have to find the pieces in temples and defeat bosses. in this game, i think you should be able to sail to Holodrum and Labrynna, but there should'nt be any alternate gameplay while sailing like in PH.:):shield::sword::bow::)


lucario shoen
The Legend of Zelda Heavens Light

Story: Link is going to the sanctuary the same as everyone else and Ganon comes and takes the souls of everyone but Link. Link doesnt get taken because of the Triforce of courage. LInk then goes to the Hyrule Castle and finds zelda there and a mirrored version of Ganon. when the Ganon is destroyed zelda thanks link and tells him to go gather the spiritual staffs, which will destroy Ganon. What link doesnt know is that Ganondorf has desiqued himself as zelda and locked zelda away. Ganondorf told link to gather the staffs not to destroy Ganon, but to make him stronger and near invincable. As soon as link gathers the three staffs, "Zelda" takes them and reveals that she is Ganon. Zelda then says that you have to find a way to destroy him, but she doesnt think that link can do it all by himself, so zelda teams up with LInk. Zelda can use spells to destroy enemies other than the sword.

wow good idea i wonder if u can change players (eg from link to zelda)


The Legend of Zelda: Shadow Prism

The Same Link from TP stumbles into the fortress of some scientist (who is not present but has been studying a crystal) and trips a switch of some sort. The crystal illuminates and all light in the area is momentarily sucked into it before releasing a massive pulse of energy which rips into Link and separates the him into two parts: one light (good), the other dark(evil). The colors fade and good Link appears as he did before but without a shadow and Dark link appears as he did in TP. The dark Link seizes this chance to escape and flees, leaving the good Link to try and stop his dark self who begins to terrorize Random Country (make up a name). The game would go on to the point where good Link finds that he will never be complete without his darker half and must somehow rejoin with Dark Link, who has been terrorizing the countryside, in order to save this country from some impending Ganonesque power.


Agent Of Chaos
Feb 11, 2009
Santiago, Chile
I don't know about the game, but I'd love to see one game that ties all other games together. One where you travell through time and space (into another dimension too) too meet with all of your (Link's) previous incarnations to get the power you need to defeat a kind of....ultimate ganon (bad name I know, but just for you to get the idea)

Wand of Gameleon doesn't sound bad though....JK!!! XD
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Master Kokiri 9

The Dungeon Master
Aug 19, 2009
My ship that sailed in the morning
If i did a fan game then i would call it The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Courage. and it would be about ganondorf being revived and link must find the master sword. a strange zora-like apparition leads link to three dungeons. after the three dungeons and some crystal key collecting (he needs three) he gains access to the chamber in the temple of time (through the door that tp link went through to get to the temple of time in it's full glory) you explore the temple of time as a dungeon you fight the guardian of the master sword as the dungeon boss who is a legendary swordsman's spirit (not an incarnation of link) and he gives you a heart container and grants you access to the master sword. You then pull it out of the pedestal and the apparition appears again revealing that it is *zelda chime* the spirit of the master sword and explains that the master sword needs a human soul pure of heart to repel evil and to lead the heros to her if need be. You then head to ganons castle but it is suspended over a giant bottomless pit. Now you have to find the ocarina of courage and also find seven different songs. First you head to a dungeon and once there you find the ocarina of courage (not the dungeon item) and a telepathic message from the sage of light that put it there tells you that you must find seven different songs in seven different dungeons each song pointing to the next. after all these dungeons you finally go back to ganny's castle and play each song allowing access to ganny's castle and thus you seal ganny away hopefully forever (but sadly not).
Aug 30, 2009
Title:Legend Of Zelda:Blade of time
Descrption:Based 10 years after Phantom Hourglass.Your character,Link wakes up on Outset Island,with all new people.Rember when Outset was at the bottom of the map?Now its at the top allowing you to acess all the islands you couldn't.Then one night,Monsters overun the island and knocks Link out and takes them to his fortress.After pulling the blade of time out,Link goes back in time a hundred years to before the land was flodded.ANd his clothes even change to his Golden one from Brawl.Now Link must cross the epic land of Marian to svae the ocean.


I would want to make a game where link is overpowered by the darkness and turns into fierce dentity link and has to search all over hyrule to find spirits that can turn him back to normal.


Wii Guys ending was sort of like the minish cap manga ending exept darklink helps the other links kill vaati and then he gets locked into the darkrealm.


Guy What's Angry Now
May 15, 2009
It's a secret to everybody.
I'm actually working on something like this now- check out Destiny's Hand in my sig. I'm mostly doing the plot (or at least the context, major events and locations), the dungeons (as far as their central puzzles, location, general layout, items, and enemies go), the bosses, and the combat system.


Sage of Tales
I do not have fan game programming abilities, so I write fan fiction.

Which brings me to the game I would make if I could make a game. I would make a game out of a novel-length fan fiction I wrote (using my own ideas and the ideas of a friend, co-writer/editor).


The fanfiction is here, sixteen chapters, around 94,000 words for those inclined to read.

The premise of The Great Desert -

The once beautiful land of Hyrule is now covered by the unforgiving sands. Scorched by the heat of the sun, the green lands are scattered and few. Most people have lost faith in the goddesses and in the legends. In this faithless, dry country, it is time for a young man to bring back the peoples’ hope – with the Gun, the Blade, and the Courage in his heart…

In short, it's a Zelda Western... but, it's not even exactly that. It's still very high fantasy, swords are still foremost and there's even quite a lot of science fiction in the latter chapters. Still, my character design for Link (which I've drawn, I did a cover for the fanfic ) has him in green shirt, dark green cargo-vest and a wide-brimmed dark green cowboy hat. He doesn't use a bow, as he has no need of it when he carries a gun. The gun is his "basic weapon" - the one he starts out with before receiving his various swords. (3 in total in the game, including the Master Sword).

Link begins with an old Western style handgun and his father's sword, which he uses for different purposes, different enemies. Must like in ALTTP, he must gather he three Pendants of Virtue in order to get the Master Sword.

The story takes place in a time "after all the games so far," - hence the increase in Hyrule's level of technology. The fan fiction actually involves things like electricty and television to a mild degree, as well as the "Old West" stuff, but those can be taken out of a game version without affecting the story, I think.

Unlike in the fan fiction, which went along at a fast clip and was character-driven, for the sake of gameplay, the game would have a very vast Hyrulean desert with many explorable areas. In riding from one point to another, there will be little canyons and caves along the way, with stuff to explore - perhaps even Easter eggs to be discovered relating to past games and the history of how Hyrule became a desert. A lot of stuff that seems pointless but is a lot of fun - natural areas to explore, old ruins...

The major problem with a game made from this fanfiction, however, at least officially is that my story deals quite heavily with the past - if you read the fan fiction, you'll see Link meeting, quite blantantly, his "past selves" in a "Hero's Shade" fashion - each one different and specific to past canon games. I don't think Nintendo would ever be so blatant, but with The Great Desert, it is essential to the story. Also, my co-writer and I did some *very* sci fi things with Hyrulean mythology/cosmology and the Goddeesses - While fine for a fan fiction, I don't think it's anything that would fly with Nintendo.
Aug 18, 2009
Name of game: The Legend of Zelda: The Sea Champion

About: Takes place a few years after the Ww. Link would be more matured and he would be working as a trader, you know, trading from island to island.

The plot would be simple, really. Arryl, who would also have grown into teenager status, or perhaps in her 20's, would be sailing the seas, (think Tetra). Anyway, Arryl and crew discover another island way to the north east from where Valoo and company reside. In that island, which is a tough place to get to, they find an item that looks much like a gem. Arryl, facinated by the stone removes it from where it rests and the story begins. With her actions, Arryl has just awakened the Sea Champion, a mythological creature that was ruler of the sea looooooooooooooong time ago. How long ago? No one remembers. XD

The sea champion then becomes active again, resurrects or whatever and kills all of Arryl's crew and kidnaps her. He then starts to rebuild his power. His goal, ultimate domination of the sea, just like in the past, until he was stopped by a bunch of heroes.

Link would leave his work and would become the hero again, yada yada.
I'd keep on going with this, but the purpose of the name of the game just aims to let the gamer know that there are two rulers of the high seas, the original Sea Champion and Link. Who of the two will remain the Sea Champion will depend on choices that you make through out the game.
Personally, I hate stories where the hero always wins, and so in my stories I always act differently, giving the evil ones a break.


Resident Cartographer
Jul 18, 2009
Cloud 9
*looks around*

he he...fiercedeity619 hasn't replied yet.

well, we're working on one together called Scrolls of the Hopeless

I'd also like to mention a couple other projects i just started.

The Legend of Zelda: Haven of the Sun (working title)
The Legend of Zelda: Isle of Sorrow

I'll post details later


Sage of Tales
Okay... after looking up some funny stuff on Deviant Art for the general entertainment of people in the shoutbox... I would LOVE to see a fan game/parody game based *extremely loosely* on Twilight Princess - more precisely, based upon the abbreviation for Twilight Princess, "TP."

Toilet Paper

In this story, Link works as a janitor in a green custodian's suit for a busy office building (or perhaps a high school). He wields the Master Plunger and must deal with the evils of uncleanliness. His partner on his journey is a talking roll of toilet paper.


Remember the name
Jun 29, 2009
*looks around*

he he...fiercedeity619 hasn't replied yet.

well, we're working on one together called Scrolls of the Hopeless

I'd also like to mention a couple other projects i just started.

The Legend of Zelda: Haven of the Sun (working title)
The Legend of Zelda: Isle of Sorrow

I'll post details later

Holy crap startimer your right! But yeah i would call it Scrolls of the Hopeless

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