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What Would You Call Your Child?

Nov 26, 2008
Well, I have idea. Although obviously I would have to consult with my wife whenever I do have kids. :P

I have several favorite names, and I'd probably consider these:

Lester, Loki, Aster, Seth, Aaron

Beatrice, Sherise, Lilly, Sasha, Kanna

I posted more in another thread about names. I can't remember all my favorites off the top of my head, so maybe check there? :P

I also might consider stranger names, but probably for middle name. I might even pick geeky stuff if it sounded normal enough. Sephiroth would be something I'd definitely consider, but a bit more for the religious meaning rather than the video game character. :P

The name "Norfair" (a location in the Metroid series) always struck me as an awesome name, although I'd never name my kid that. :P


The Real Master of Epona
Jul 10, 2008
The Name is E-Scope
Oh, so many unique names! I like different names.

For Girls:
Nikki, Jersey, Neptune, Venus, Reese

For Boys:
Randy, Evan, Noah, Reece, Rick

Nice names.


I'd name a girl Vivian, Rose, Amy, Odessa or a name I made up (probably child abuse) Belleframelina, that's pronounced bell-eh-fram-eh-leena.
Sep 16, 2009
Cali For Nuh
Tehe I love threads like these.

When I was younger, I wanted to name a baby girl "Zelda Verity" but seeing as most of my zelda fettish has toned down... to the point of NOT naming my child after her. I've come up with this pretty name

"Castella Verity" and for short she'd be called Stella.

As for the male side, which I am destined to have only boys... as my fiance's side of the family is cursed.

I would like to name them. Anthony Alan, or Andrew Alan, or possibly even Zachariah (I've always liked the name Andrew and Zachie... but my fiance's brother is named Andrew and goes by Andy... which is a waste seeing as the name Andrew is so strong and wonderful... so I will probably never get to name one of my boyz Andrew v.v)
Aug 3, 2009
Central Arkansas
Well, at the moment I only have a few names...

Boy: Jason Cae

Girl: Elizabeth Brye, or Brye Elizebeth, or Serentiy.

I plan to think of more at a good friend's request, though. >_>


Working on a webcomic. :D
Oct 18, 2007
Well, at the moment I only have a few names...

Boy: Jason Cae

Girl: Elizabeth Brye, or Brye Elizebeth, or Serenity.

I plan to think of more at a good friend's request, though. >_>


Also adding to his list...

Boy: Caleb, Brennan, Joseph...
Girl: Sarah, Caitlyn, Kattianne.
May 25, 2008
In my house
Well Let's see:


Alex. Or Alexei. I like Alexei most though. Don't ask me why. I would name my child that if I was in russia or Russian, but alas I'm not. I still like the name though.

Caleb too. Definitely Caleb if I can.


I don't really care about too much. I'd probably pick a horrible name, and just let my wife decide.

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