I have not seen anyother threads on this so far and I thought it would be interesting to see some peoples answer.
Anyway back to the topic, As the title says what would you call your child or your children, Even though I am still young me and my friends already have ideas of what names we like.
For a boy I would call him either Neal or Paul (Both my brothers names) and I prefer Neal compared to Neil (Neal being the Irish spelling of Neil which is the English version). For middle names I would give him Colin (After my Grandad) or Andrew (Which is my first name). All these are the names that I like most for a boy.
For a girl I would call her either Elisa or Amy (Amy also being a name in our family), For a middle name I would give her Karen (After my mum) or Janet (Once again another family name).
So what would you call your child
Anyway back to the topic, As the title says what would you call your child or your children, Even though I am still young me and my friends already have ideas of what names we like.
For a boy I would call him either Neal or Paul (Both my brothers names) and I prefer Neal compared to Neil (Neal being the Irish spelling of Neil which is the English version). For middle names I would give him Colin (After my Grandad) or Andrew (Which is my first name). All these are the names that I like most for a boy.
For a girl I would call her either Elisa or Amy (Amy also being a name in our family), For a middle name I would give her Karen (After my mum) or Janet (Once again another family name).
So what would you call your child