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SSHD What would this game be like if they made it more like WW?

Skyward Sword HD
Apr 12, 2021
Now that we turned the cassette to Side B from my other thread: What would this game be like if they had taken the WW approach more directly? I imagine Link would have a lot more facial animation and they'd made the sky not so barren with a lot of 'Lumpy Pumpkin' kind of places. (I never played this game so I'm just going based off what I've seen). and Bamboo Island type mini games,etc. Would they have even done the stupid go back and forth side show like this video guy mentioned? https://youtu.be/WnFhUJTqHnE?t=756 Number 4: Filler,Pacing and reused content:


He does what Ninten-shouldn't.
Apr 5, 2021
Okay. I don't think you're that bad of a guy now.
But, if you never played the game, then why are you doing this?
Apr 12, 2021
Okay. I don't think you're that bad of a guy now.
But, if you never played the game, then why are you doing this?
Cause I'm about to play it when it comes out just to see which changes they made for shats and giggles. I am using trade money to pay for it. I still am aiming for a discussion and comparison. This guys video made me think a lot more about the game as he is one of the best I've seen that doesn't ramble and rant. Though it's cleared he's annoyed at a lot of reused content and I don't blame him. It makes Banjo Tooie seem so simple!


He does what Ninten-shouldn't.
Apr 5, 2021
Cause I'm about to play it when it comes out just to see which changes they made for shats and giggles. I am using trade money to pay for it. I still am aiming for a discussion and comparison. This guys video made me think a lot more about the game as he is one of the best I've seen that doesn't ramble and rant. Though it's cleared he's annoyed at a lot of reused content and I don't blame him. It makes Banjo Tooie seem so simple!
Okay. That makes sense. Thank you! :^^:
Although, where are you getting that trade money?
Apr 12, 2021
WW isn't coming out again tho, I assume you mean SS but you've said WW this whole time
I said I was about to play SS again. I got it with trade money so if it winds up being as sucky as the original which I've seen videos of and wasn't colored impressed I'll return it for Mario Golf which looks relaxing. I think between the two the golf one is ironically going to sell more because there is a lot more sports players then Zelda. A LOT more. I think sadly Golf is going to be the big 'hit' this year. Hell Golf even has an 'open world' mode in it. Nintendo sure made a strange choice. They would've instantly sold if they'd even done Minish Cap in 3D or something .


Southern Belle
Apr 16, 2021
I said I was about to play SS again. I got it with trade money so if it winds up being as sucky as the original which I've seen videos of and wasn't colored impressed I'll return it for Mario Golf which looks relaxing. I think between the two the golf one is ironically going to sell more because there is a lot more sports players then Zelda. A LOT more. I think sadly Golf is going to be the big 'hit' this year. Hell Golf even has an 'open world' mode in it. Nintendo sure made a strange choice. They would've instantly sold if they'd even done Minish Cap in 3D or something .
Oh, ok. I misread your initial post.
Jul 16, 2021
The sky overworld would have to be packed with actual more mini islands or mini villages and have actual exploration and things to discover. Not here's a big rock with a chest on it.

Wind water had an actual overworld Ss has one main city and that's it. It's pretty pathetic.
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