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What would a Zelda game based around the following premise be like?

Jul 9, 2024
A Zelda game who's plot, backstory and lore are based on the Ralph Bakshi animated movie, Wizards (1977).

This was by the same guy who made the animated Lord of the Rings movie.

The premise here being a Future Earth High Fantasy setting spawned from a purely manmade cataclysm such as a Nuclear War that happened in the very very distant past and was responsible for the creation of and shaping of this new world into the fantastical land it is in the "present" day. And in that time of darkness before the world healed, Civilization, Humanity and the concepts of "Science" and "Technology" died off while magic returned to the planet and previously hidden creatures and races regarded as Myths in Mankind's past emerge and inherit the earth.

The second part of this premise being a version of Ganon similar to Black Wolf. Digging up old world relics using them to build war machines to mechanize his armies of evil and conquer Hyrule and after that, the rest of the world.

So what would a Zelda game's inspired by this movie be like and how would it's plot play out? What relics of the old world would survive into the "present" day this hypothetical game would take place it?
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