- Joined
- Sep 25, 2011
I bought FSA used a while ago, I have beaten it twice but I have never expirience the multiplayer aspect at all. Why? It is because the multiplayer was just so hard to set up! every player who wanted to play needed three things
1. A gba or gba SP
2. A gba gamecube link cable
3. A four swords cartridge
Dont get me wrong, I love FSA and I think it is an awesome game. I just think the multiplayer was badly executed.
I dont see why nintendo set it so all players neede was a gamecube controller.
1. A gba or gba SP
2. A gba gamecube link cable
3. A four swords cartridge
Dont get me wrong, I love FSA and I think it is an awesome game. I just think the multiplayer was badly executed.
I dont see why nintendo set it so all players neede was a gamecube controller.