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MM-3DS What was the hardest mask to find for you?

Spiritual Mask Salesman

CHIMer Dragonborn
Site Staff
There are so many masks in Majora's Mask that without using any walkthroughs or guides they can be hard to find. Some are easier to find than others, some are harder - which masks did you have a hard time finding?

For me it was the Stone Mask, had my stepbrother not given me hints on how to find the invisible soldier near Ikana Canyon I may have never found the mask.


The Destructive One
Staff member
Apr 4, 2012
Göteborg, Sweden
Well, in the 3DS-version I had no problems at all, since I knew them by heart.
My first time in the original game I'd say it was the Postmans Hat and the All-Night Mask. I had no clue how to get the 500 rupee wallet by myself XD


Defender of SS
Jun 16, 2015
I agree with the first two responses, the Stone Mask and All-Night Mask were both huge hassles to get. The Stone Mask in particular because once i figured out that it was in the Gerudo Fortress I had already been halfway done with it (I took a break from it and my buddy asked what temple I was on and I said the fortress and he asked "oh have you gotten the Stone Mask?" and I was like wut). So I had to make a new 3 day cycle and had to find a new bottle and get the potion but honestly it was totally worth it, the Stone mask is adorable.

Link Floyd

ᵒⁿ ᵗʰᵉ ʳᵘⁿ
Sep 23, 2014
Probably the Postman mask. I never knew what to do on the final day during the last hours when he was in his house panicking.
Oct 14, 2013
The wedding mask. I think that's it, the one where you have to do a whole 3 day sub quest for it and play a short but annoying little section as Kafei. I always took like 5x to get the Kafei bit right. The downside? Every failure with Kafei meant redoing 95% of the 3 day quest line all over again.


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Jun 7, 2015
None because I already knew each mask because I watched a whole Lets Play of Majoras Mask before playing it.
Makes sense, I know, but hey, I was 11.

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