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What Things in Zelda Games Scare You Most?


Piper of Time
Aug 11, 2011
The Lost Woods
When I was younger, I was creeped out by the Dead Hands in OoT. I wasn't affected by the ReDeads or anything, just the Dead Hands.

I really don't fear anything now. If I ever have to face a wasp boss though, I will cringe.


In Twilight Princess, when trying to return the Sols in the Twilight Palace while being chased by Zant's Hands. I absolutely hate being chased by anything, and what makes it creepier is that it's slow, but always seems to catch up to you as there are multiple obstacles to overcome on the paths to the exit. Furthermore, this enemy cannot be permanently defeated, only stunned. When you enter a new room, it automatically transports and emerges through the door that you just entered. Lastly, if it spots you, the music becomes more intensifying with sharp, loud synth stabs and you will see a shadow of a gigantic hand being cast on the ground as it descends to try and grab the Sol from you.


Jan 10, 2011
On the midnight Spirit Train going anywhere


Twilight Princess Lover
Wow! A lot things from Twilight Princess.

First are the wall masters from Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask.

The moon from Majora's Mask.

The Dead Hand freaked me out as a kid, I thought he was real. Hey! I didn't know a lot when i was a kid! :P

Also, Zant's Hands and the Guardians from TP and Skyward Sword. I hate that feeling I'm being chased. :(

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