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What Other Zelda Merchandise Do You Own Besides Games?

Violet Link

the world will maintain its thin veneer of peace
Feb 18, 2012
.....Zelda Posters......that is a merchandise right? And I made my own Zelda Triforce of Courage pouch........I should really post that pouch on this forums.
May 2, 2012
I just wasted money on the Zelda Manga Collection. I kind of like them but then I kind of don't? I guess Manga isn't for everyone, even if it's Zelda.
Nov 26, 2008
I just wasted money on the Zelda Manga Collection. I kind of like them but then I kind of don't? I guess Manga isn't for everyone, even if it's Zelda.
Yeah I would agree that the collection is kind of a mixed bag. Some are good and some are't... particularly it's most of the early ones that aren't that great. They're fun supplementary entertainment, but I don't consider them worthy on their own; If the manga weren't Zelda, I never would have gotten them.
May 2, 2012
Yeah I would agree that the collection is kind of a mixed bag. Some are good and some are't... particularly it's most of the early ones that aren't that great. They're fun supplementary entertainment, but I don't consider them worthy on their own; If the manga weren't Zelda, I never would have gotten them.
My point exactly. I'm not exactly a big avid collector, but this manga collection is a nice addition to the collection I do have. Plus the box it came in is pretty.
Dec 23, 2011
A zelda 3ds case
Zelda majoras mask bookmark
Zelda 25th anniversary poster
Zelda 18 game card case for 3ds and ds
a zelda ocarina of time and Skyward sword points card for wii and 3ds
a zelda t-shirt


One of the Sheikah
May 1, 2012
-Ocarina of Time Manga 1 & 2
-Phantom Hourglass DS Stylus (potion)

...yeah thats it...though I want more, my sister has the gold DS...
And I painted the crest on my DSi XL...


It's me!
Mar 20, 2012
I have Zelda posters, a Shield me and my brother painted to be the hylian shield, special 3ds and wii point cards with Zelda paintings on them, the games (of course), the Majora's Mask manga, some stickers, and the gold Skyward Sword Wii remote.


-7 assorted posters all framed
-Limited edition golden Gameboy advanced SP
-link plush doll
-GameInformer magazine with Zelda cover
-Zelda manga complete set
-Complete animated series
-6 PVC characters from Japan
-4 wall decals
-Golden Wiimote
- 25th anniversary symphony soundtrack
-Ocarina of time soundtrack
-Limited edition Prima skyward sword strategy guide
Dec 22, 2011
the Land of Ooo
i've got:

2 zelda phantom hourglass figurines
a link pluche
2 3ds cases
3 t-shirts
special golden skyward sword wiiplus controller
keychain fourswords

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