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What moment will you always remember during a playthrough of the Zelda games?


Freezing chill
Jan 8, 2015
For me, it is probably the moment when Link steps into Twililight for first time and goes through transformation in Twilight Princess. It was just beautiful and creepy moment at start of game and moment when you realixe that you will be entering new, unfamiliar place.


The Fierce Deity
Jan 16, 2013
Inside the Moon
The first time I entered the shadow temple and was scared at like age 5. Was so scared I never finished the game until like 10 years later. I did the whole rest of the game and really enjoyed it. The creepy skulls, atmosphere, and that weezing sound that always gets to me
Jun 11, 2015
The first time I entered the shadow temple and was scared at like age 5. Was so scared I never finished the game until like 10 years later. I did the whole rest of the game and really enjoyed it. The creepy skulls, atmosphere, and that weezing sound that always gets to me
The music always used to scare me so bad!

Link Floyd

ᵒⁿ ᵗʰᵉ ʳᵘⁿ
Sep 23, 2014
There are many moments for me that really stand out when I think back to all those moments playing Zelda

The first one I always remember is in WW when Link is leaving his home with Tetra and the other pirates. I always felt really sad during this scene, it almost felt like Link would never be able to return to his grandma again with his sister. (But I know they reunite evenutally. Happy endings!) Also the scene shortly after that one was a classic. I will always remember the scene in WW when Link and Tetra are trying to figure out a way to get in Forsaken Fortress. Tetra decides to shoot Link there in a barrel, and I always thought his facial expressions during this scene were hilarious. XD It was a comic relief before venturing into such a scary place.

Some honorable mentions would be leaving the forest in OoT and saying goodbye to Saria, meeting Princess Zelda for the first time in OoT, the cutscene after the Water Temple in TP when Zant turns Link back into a wolf and almost kills Midna (I had a save file that would start with this cutscene because I loved it so much), and I can't forget, my very first playthrough of MM last year and watching that opening cutscene where Skull Kid steals your horse and ocarina and Link is grabing on and trying to stop him.
May 4, 2014
TLoZ-Walking into Ganon's room without the stupid silver arrows X0
AoL-Link discovering New Kasuto
ALttP-How hard I laughed the first time he got changed into the Easter Bunny
MC-How to Like Your Like-Like; A Good Guide to a Bad Pet
TP-Fighting Argorok. The atmosphere and the ensuing boss battle is epic
SS-The first time I ever set foot into the Ancient Cistern, that place is so beautiful, it took my breath away and I mean that literally
OoA-The first time I got thrown out of the stupidly frustrating Subrosian Dance Hall. "You're terrible! Get outta here!
OoS-Karma is a *****! Little Tokays popping ember seeds in their mouths is one of the best damn cutscenes ever. Hot! Hot!!!
LADX-When Raccoon Tarin changed the woods on me the first time.
ST-When Zelda rightfully freaks out over being separated from her body
ALBW-Expectations shattered, going into this, thinking it would be just as boring as Past then discovering this game was gonna be 10x more fun then its predecessor in every conceivable way. (Not a huge fan of ALttP, good game but its not my fave)
OoT3D-Being absolutely shocked at how rude, bossy and bratty Princess Pain-in-the-Ass is and then being forced to carry her around
MM3D-How sad I felt after healing Darmani and Mikau's spirits
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This Guy Are Sick
Feb 16, 2015
Personally, the ending of Skyward Sword really resonated with me. Fi's parting was a real tear-jerker, and I don't think I really realized how much I liked her until that point.

A Link In Time

To Overcome Harder Challenges
ZD Legend
One of the most memorable moments for me is from The Wind Waker.

I love the ending scene with Daphnes Nohansen Hyrule foreshadowing the creation of New Hyrule. It's such a bitter sweet moment because there isn't an unconditionally happy ending. Link tries to reach for him but can't. The captain goes down with his ship. In his own words, the king had, "scattered the seeds of the future."


Jun 11, 2015
Probably Twilight Princess and the opening scene. There's just something about it, I had never experienced a proper Zelda game before, so maybe that has something to do with it. The music was enchanting, mysterious and creepy. The setting looked beautiful and seeing how big and open the game looked really just drew me in. I mean this was before I had even started the game and I was already blown away.

You don't understand how many times I just watched the intro.

The first one I always remember is in WW when Link is leaving his home with Tetra and the other pirates.

That was just so sad.

But my most memorable was when Midna is near death and Link is powerless in wolf form to help her. So you have to carry her on your back as a wolf just running across Hyrule as fast as you can to get to Zelda in time to fix the situation. THE FEELS!!!!!!!!!! The music to go with this part just is absolutely perfect for the moment. Every time I hear it I think of that exact scene. Just as proof of how powerful that song is I found it online and had my brother listen to it never playing TP and had him tell me what the song makes you think of. He responds "it sounds as if something bad happened and you are running outta time to fix it." WOW!


Bitte benutzen Sie Google Übersetzer
Jun 7, 2015
There's no special moment, actually, but special locations like the Deku Tree that remembers me of the wandering at first time I've ever played a Zelda game, or the zombies on the market which really scared me as a child. When I hear Zelda's Lullaby, there also comes up some freakin nostalgia, whether if the memories of playing OoT first time are almost completely gone.


i luv u
Dec 17, 2011
Something that always stood out to me was the prologue to OoT, where the Great Deku Tree is narrating. It was.... I dunno. It felt like a great way to immerse the player by telling a story and then handing them the reins on gameplay. It stood out because it wasn't what I expected. It was dark. Silent. And all you could really hear was a young boy shuddering from his nightmares.
Wind Waker - I was once just sailing around and i caught the sun setting behind the Temple of the Gods and it was one of those moments that just looked incredible, i approached from the right direction at the right time. But if you want something scripted then the ending made me cry buckets and still gets me teary now.

Ocarina of Time - Pulling the Master Sword

A Link to the Past - The opening, from waking up to rescuing Zelda, its just such an awesome intro.

Twilight Princess - The four-part fight with Ganondorf because its more of a war than a boss battle.

Masked Bastard

formerly Captain B
Mar 2, 2015
I'd say getting to the top of Death Mountain in A Link to the Past and looking down the other side. That was mind blowing at the time. That, and pulling the master sword in the same game, mostly because it was still a pretty mysterious thing back then, and the work in getting it had just paid off. Seeing this glowing blue blade like a lightsaber or something made it all worth it.

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