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What Made You Happy Today?

May 5, 2022
Non Binary
Just found out there was still a knight, with actual knight armor and sword, riding on horseback, as late as World War II. He literally rode on his steed to fight German tanks.

I'm afraid to look up anymore information on him though, because he probably died in battle, and I don't want to see that right now, as it would ruin the fun of a medieval knight fighting Nazis, but man that is just fascinating to learn about.


Spaceballs: The Mafia Player
Jul 12, 2011
Spaceball 1
Just found out there was still a knight, with actual knight armor and sword, riding on horseback, as late as World War II. He literally rode on his steed to fight German tanks.

I'm afraid to look up anymore information on him though, because he probably died in battle, and I don't want to see that right now, as it would ruin the fun of a medieval knight fighting Nazis, but man that is just fascinating to learn about.
He was born in 1911, and he lived to be 78 years old! He was only in one "Battle" where he stood in front of of German troops who told him to go home, either acknowledging his bravery or out of confusion. His story has been told as a victory over the Nazis and it's a rather fun one for sure!


❤️ love yourself ❤️
Went to GameStop again. Our gamestop in town is really tiny and cozy and I just love going there so much. It's practically the only game-y anime-y type store we have in my little southern town lol. Everyone that works there is so nice (which is like just two dudes). I feel like I know them even though I don't even know their names yet 'cause I go there like at least once every week. I had went there yesterday just to browse and when I came back this afternoon I was like 'I'm back!!!" and they were like "You're back again!!!" and they helped me out and chatted about the mario trailer and stuff
So anyway today I bought some christmas presents (shhh) for my family. Got my li'l brother a jumbo mario plush. Can't wait to see what he thinks of that lol
I also got the little animal crossing tomodachi dolls (series 2) for my sis. She's gonna love them <3
I think I might have gotten my redemption arc following me saying last night how my pictures this year sucked compared to last year. I spent the past hour watching ants prepare for their nuptial flight and there were SO many of them, all of them photogenic. This is hecking amazing.

The amount of times ants accidentally crashed into me on take-off was like 9.
Last edited:
May 5, 2022
Non Binary
Not today, but Saturday (I forgot to post it here).

I got reinvigorated in watching Stargate SG-1. I normally only watch an episode or two a day, but two days ago, I watched 5 whole episodes. I even forgot to heat up leftovers at the designated time, as I normally do that every Saturday for my mom since she has health issues and sleeps all day Saturday to make up for lost sleep.

Normally my mom would have yelled at me, but I think she was just happy I was actually watching it again, as I've been watching it for at least half a year now, and she wants me to watch her favorite show of all time, Stargate Atlantis, but I need to watch the first show first, for obvious reasons.

Anyways, it's a great show, I just normally go through cycles of burnout, switching between focusing on YouTube and focusing on streaming services.

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